Coffee - Chapter 7

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Coffee was never Y/N's drink of choice. When offered, it was usually a choice between tea or coffee, in which tea would win. He liked tea for the amount of flavours it had, and his old room smelt like green tea, so he subconsciously linked it to his nostalgia of home. However, he'd often find himself drinking coffee when out with a friend. It felt almost obligatory; you match what your friend it drinking. It would be weird for you to order an obnoxiously large and colourful milkshake while your company is sipping on water. So, over time, Y/N had grown to have a complicated relationship with coffee. He didn't hate it, but it always felt forced when he had it.

Why was Y/N overthinking coffee? Well, he had just wrapped up his last lesson for the day and was walking to the front gate to meet Monika for their coffee. Coffee date? Y/N still wasn't really sure, but it was coded that way. They were getting a drink after work to get to know each other a little better. That sounded like a date.

Y/N had gotten changed into something more casual in the sports hall after his last lesson. Nothing too fancy, but Y/N made sure everything was washed, matched well and looked new. He also did his hair a bit, put on a smidge of aftershave, mad sure he shaved his face in the morning. Yeah, totally not a date. Posting up by the gate, Y/N stood by idly, keeping a nervous eye out for Monika. The gate was still shut, but they were old enough to leave school grounds early if they had a free lesson or no teacher in. Y/N thought it was more polite to wait to leave.

Time slipped by as Y/N waited, feeling progressively more nervous. What if she just didn't show up? Monika was super busy, always involved in some fundraiser or festival. Maybe something came up and she had to dash off. Or maybe she led him on; maybe after all of this back and forth it really was just pity and she was toying with him. Who would really want to go out on w date with him? Y/N was amazed Monika had been this kind to him so far.

Y/N - "... ugh, who am I kidding?"

Y/N sighed, getting ready to head home and play his guitar with enough fury to match a pantheon. He'd been led on again. Just like last time. Did anyone really care about him?

Monika - "Ah, there you are!"

Y/N froze, turning uncertainly to look at Monika. She had also changed, wearing a white crop top, jeans and white ribbons threaded through her hair similar to the white bow she always wore. Y/N could smell the perfume gently wafting off of her. She looked great.

Y/N - "Oh... hi."

Monika - "Sorry to keep you waiting, I got changed as fast as I could. Excuse the state I'm in, ahaha..."

Y/N - "N-Not at all, you look great. Great as always."

Monika smiled sweetly, going to open the gate before Y/N intercepts her, opening it first and bowing dramatically. Laughing, Monika exits and waits for Y/N to join her.

Monika - "Alright Mr L/N, where are we headed to?"

Y/N - "I was thinking Vegas."

Y/N got another laugh out of Monika as she begun to follow him. 

Y/N had found a wonderful coffee shop a few months back which he liked to visit when he needed a break from the world. He unfortunately hadn't been there in a while after starting school, but now seemed like the perfect time to return with good company.

Monika - "Let's get this straight; I don't mind what you call this. Just hanging out, an interview, a date. But please try to relax and have some fun! I don't want to intimidate you."

Y/N had barely spoken a word and Monika was already seeing right through him. Her impressive insights were vastly overshadowed however by that one bit she said there.

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