Chapter 1

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"So you're telling me, you don't even feel a bit bad when you're looking into Bambi's eyes before killing it?" Olivia, my newly found roommate, asks exasperatedly and I chuckle, "Nope, I've been huntin' with Daddy since I was five, I guess I never had the opportunity to think of it other than putting meat on the table..." well it's true, I'm one of those lucky people that are classified as being normal, yep I'm not some stereotype cheerleader or nerd but I am a country girl tough. Yes that means I wear cowboy boots and hats and yes I've really been hunting since I was five and I've been riding horse since I was two.

Olivia grimaced at the thought of shooting deer, or like she likes to call it 'bambi', she's been my roommate for about two weeks now and I absolutely adore her, yeah... we are from completely different worlds, but for some reason we get along great. I sigh, starting my explanation of why I differ from her west coast glowing fashion self "Liv, it's like you being bred to shop and know which shoes goes with what shirt, I was bred to be outside, knowing how to work in corn fields, how to hunt and-"   she cut me off mid-sentence, "and how to ride horse?" she smiles at me, okay this is scary, she's already finishing my sentences... "And that's why I like you Liv" I grin at her while searching for our classroom.  

You've got to admit, the first few days of university or college is quite something. You're nervous, with butterflies in your tummy, arms, legs and even your head. You're anxious of the unknown but you're excited of what's to come. It's this jibber jabber of feelings and you don't really get the time to adapt, it's just all happening and fast too. The great thing of Livington University, not only do they have a great law department, they have a riding team, a horse riding team, which I gladly started being part of since day one. Olivia pulls me out of my thoughts as she whirls us around a corner.

 "This is our class, I think... Room 527... Oh goodness, I can't believe we have compulsory math classes for the first few weeks." She literally shudders at the thought of our maths classes this upcoming two week and I can't help but join her "I know, I ain't so crazy about the idea either Liv. But hey, maybe we'll actually end up understanding math better than in high school" I give her a reassuring smile as we walk into class; we're slightly early so no lecturer has shown up yet.

Liv and I scan the room for seats we'd be okay in for an hour class of math, soon later we walk up to two seats Liv thinks will suffice, like my old self I fidget with the ring on my finger on our way to the two seats ahead, that's when I hear Liv gasping "OH my goodness! I absolutely LOVE your hair!" automatically I look up, and instead of taking note off the blue haired girl, I lock eyes with the most incredible pair of blue eyes behind a pair of glasses that would put Clark Kent's to shame.  Calm down Casey, geez you're not here to drool over boys! But that doesn't mean I can't look at those mesmerising blue orbs now does it?

"I'm Olivia! This is my friend and roommate, Casey." Olivia squeals to the blue haired girl, and that's when I get pulled out of my wicked thoughts of looking into his blue eyes. I shift my gaze to Blue who is to his right and smile at her which she returns "I'm Clair and this is Jake" she gestures to him and he nods with a small smile, that's when I take him in, his blonde hair, tanned skin and amazing blue eyes, I'm guessing he's quite tall by the way his long legs stretches out under the desk he's sitting at, faintly I hear Liv exchanging tips on how to keep her pink hair so vibrant with Clair but again my gaze is brought to a stop when the lecturer walks into the room. Who knows, I might like maths class this time round...


It's short and sweet, but more of an introduction, the good parts are yet to come!* Let me know what you think!**

Happy reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now