Chapter 14

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My eyes feel heavy, like I need to use every drop of strength in my body to open them, darkness invites me in and I feel like fallin' into slumber again but the hand holdin' mine force me to open my eyes. I know I'm in the hospital, I've been here a few times over the years so the scenery of pale walls and a mulfunctionin' light doesn't faze me. What worries me is that I don't remember why I'm here... I try to get up to make sense of things but the sharp pain in my back has me fallin' back down, seethin' with pain. The hand that held mine has let go and I hear a deep voice "Mrs E, she's waking up..." Who in the sam heck is- "Casey? Oh Sweety you're awake." oh Momma "Momma... why-" the pain returns and I can't finish my question, "Oh Sweetie, there was an accident while you were trainin', call the doctors" I'm guessin' that last remark wasn't directed at me.

My brain is a mess, everything is jumbled up. I have flashes of a bike, Midnight- "Casey, it's Dr Clive, do you remember who I am?" I give a slight nod, Dr Clive treated me after the accident "Y-yes Sir" I croak out and somewhere in the distance I can hear Daddy chucklin', sayin' I at least still have my manners. Dr Clive interrupts the voices "Would you all please step out of the room for a few minutes, I need to run some check up's with Casey. Mr and Mrs Evans, if you don't mind, I'd like if you'd stay." I hear some feet shufflin' and a door creakin' open.

A few seconds later its deathly quiet and I try to open my eyes as the pain starts to subside again. "Casey you remembered you're Mother, can you tell me what else you remember?" Dr Clive asks and I nod "I remember everything but- I uh can't really remember why I'm hear... I have these flashes of a bike and Midnight but that's about it." The doctor gives a relieved sigh "Well that's good news, the accident will come back eventually, it's just you're body cutting out the trauma. You're in a lot of pain, but can you tell me where the pain is coming from?" I see a worried look in his eyes, I look at Momma and Daddy smilin' sadly at me "I have pain in my upper and lower back. It's a sharp pain whenever I try to move... What's going on?"

The doctor nods and he touches my arm "I'm just checking up, it's normal to feel pain in your back, you have cracked vertebras and the car accident's damage was basically damaged again. Casey I need you to lift you're right leg and then you're left leg" I groaned at the anticipated pain I was going to feel but nodded and weakly lifted my right leg, before I can lift my left I hear Daddy's voice "Oh thank goodness" I look at them questioningly but the doctor urges me to lift my left leg. I try to lift my leg but I don't feel a thing... I try to wiggle my toes but I don't feel it. The realisation dawns on me, their testing to see if I have feeling in my legs. I let out a sob "I can't- There's nothin'-I can't feel my left leg!" The doctor takes out a instrument and taps on my right leg just below the knee, it jumps up from the bed almost immediately, he then moves to my left and it jumps up after a few seconds. He returns to my side where I can see him clearly "Alright, I'm going to help you sit up straight, then we'll talk about what's going on."

He takes the bed remote and slowly let the top part rise, bringing me up in the process. When I'm up I don't feel as much pain and a tear rolls down my cheek when I can look at Momma and Daddy, Momma's holding my hand and Daddy is resting his hand on my foot, they look worn out, like they've been here for days. "How long has it been since-" Momma cuts me off "You were out for two weeks baby girl... You wouldn't wake up, they said it was your body surpressin' the trauma, physically and emotionally" before I could ask any more questions the doctor speaks "Well Casey, I think I may have some good news, the loss of feeling in your left leg is only temporarily, the nerves are still responding and that means with a bit of physio therapy you'll have both your legs back in no time, this is far from over and you have a big recovery ahead of you. BUT I know you're a fighter and you'll do just fine. Try and keep calm and not to excite her too much, I'll be back later to do some more tests and check-up."

After a few minutes with Momma and Daddy went to get the rest of my friends and most likely Pop. The door creaks open and in strolls Andrew with a relieved smile and a teddy bear in hand. After Andrew, Adri, Clair, Maddie and Alex comes strolling in with balloons and chocolates if I'm guessin' right. Pop comes in next with Daddy and gives me a hug "I'm so glad my baby is okay, you had us worried Casey cat!" I smile at him with tears in my eyes. My gaze turns back to the door and it's like a storm hittin' me all at once when I looked into those blue eyes. They held guilt, but it was still the same blue eyes as before.

"Get the fuck out Jake"

UUUHG.... I don't like this chapter, I rewrote it about four times and just decided it'll be a filler. I AM FREAKING OUT!! Over 500 reads??? EEEEP THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! It's not much compared to some of the books on here but its a lot to me!* Thank you for voting and reading!** 

Happy reading

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