Chapter 13

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Jake's POV

"Jake" she barely whispered and she fell. She just fell and it felt if I was dying. It all became a blur, me pushing of whoever tried to steady me, punching Darren, the ambulance in the background, everything. The only focus I had was on her, my Cocoa. "Baby? Cocoa please wake up. Angel I'm so sorry- Please..." I grabbed her in my arms and lifted her up, running to the medics. One of the medics pulled me away as they got her on a gurney "Sir are you linked to the young lady?" I nod in response not taking my eyes of her lifeless looking body. "I- I'm her boyfriend." For now, I think to myself, swallowing really really painfully at the thought. The thought of losing her, the thought of me causing her pain, the thought of her not wanting me anymore. "Sir, did you hear me, you can come with us in case we need information." I nod at him in relief, at least I can be here for her now. I look at my throbbing hand, shrugging it off ready to get in the ambulance, forget my fucking hand, she just needs to be okay. Please let her be okay.

As I climb in an older woman grabs my shoulder and hands a backpack to me "This is Casey's, her phone and everything is sure to be in there. Tell her Midnight's going to be just fine and don't-"she's cut off by the medic "Sir we need to leave, now." He ushers me into the ambulance and his tone and expression have me worried even more... Please baby be okay...

The ride is quick and nerve wrecking, I feel a piece of my heart breaking the paler her beautiful face is getting. They push her into an ER room, just as I'm about to follow a nurse stops me "Young man, you can't go in there. Please sit over there, I'll keep you posted okay?" I give her a curt nod and sit down in a chair looking for her phone, I feel a tear in my eye as our photo pops onto the screen. I search her contact list and press dial as I find her name. On the third ring she picks up "Hey Sweetie! What a surprise everytin' alright?" her mother's soothing tone has me choking back emotions "Hi Mrs Evans, its Jake."


"You are such a fucking idiot, how many fucking times did I tell you to just tell her. What the fuck happened?" That was how Clair greeted me, I sigh pulling my fingers through my hair, "My dad and I had a fight. I got on the bike to cool off. Everything went fine until the fucking triple... There was no fucking back brake Clair. I didn't prep fucking the bike. I went over the turn and before there they were. I swear I checked if she was there but I didn't see anything. Fuck Clair, she needs to be okay. I need her to be okay..." Clair gives me a hug "she will be. She's a lot more stronger then we give her credit for. She may be hella tiny but she can handle it, You'll see. And besides her friends are right here for her..." she gestures to our friends sitting on the waiting room chairs, Mandy and Alex are bickering while Nate tries to get his arm up the vending machine.

It's been forty-five minutes and still no word of her, no word that she's okay. The door we entered earlier opens and I see Casey's family rushing in. I get up and walk to them, but I'm cut short when a fist connects my jaw. "You fucking asshole. You hurt her. I swear if even a hair on her body is out of place I'll fucking kill you" Drew growls as I touch my jaw. In any other situation, I'd be on him in a second but I just nod "You should." My comment surprises him and before he could say or do something else Adri pulls on his arm "Come on, it was an accident, let him be Drew, you can see he's taking this roughly..." she gives me a sad smile and pull him to an open chair. My next greet goes a bit softer, Casey's mom gives me a hug "Sweetie it looks like you've been hit by a train. Have you heard any news?" I shake my head and I start to tremble "I'm so sorry. I didn't know she was there. I never want to hurt her. I'm so sorry" Both Mr and Mrs Evans pat my back reassuring me she'll be alright.

Casey's grandfather gave me stern look and sat beside our friends, introducing himself. I sit down and Mr Evans sits next to me "Her momma went to check how she's doing. Don't worry son, she's going to be okay." He gives me a reassuring smile and I sigh "Mr Evans I really am sorry. I hate myself for being the reason she's in here-" he cuts me off with a bitter chuckle "Son, this isn't our first, second or third time with Casey being in hospital. Between the horses and that devil Marcus... Well, she's tougher than ya think" before I could ask who 'Marcus' is Mrs Evans joins us with a worried look "They had to uh- she's... Something about something cracking in her back... She's in theatre.... The nurse isn't- isn't sure of the other damages..."


It's been four hours, still no news. I'm going insane. I need to know if she's okay. I need to hold her. I need to say I'm sorry- Show her I'm sorry. I need her. My pacing around comes to a stop when a door creaks open and an older looking doctor walks to us "Casey Evans' family?" I bolt to Mr and Mrs Evans while the rest just look at us expectantly. Mrs Evans speaks but my heart beat is too loud to hear. The doctor's voice fills my ears seconds later "There was a bit of damage to her back. The hit had resulted in a few cracks in her back vertebras. The recovery of the uh- accident..." he paused and looked at me sceptically before continuing "she had last also took a strain causing some bleeding and damage to the ribs. The ribs cause damage to her lungs and there was some internal bleeding. Now she also had a big hit to her head but there is no sign of brain trauma yet, we'll have to check when she's woken up. But surgery went well under the circumstances and she'll heal quite well with the minor injuries." We all let out a held breath and the doctor looks at us worriedly "My biggest concern is her back. Due to the trauma of before and now this... Mr and Mrs Evans, I can't assure you that your daughter will be able to walk when she wakes up."

That tearing noise you just heard? That's my heart just being fucking ripped out.

Well Hi! I hope this chapter sufficed the emotional turmoil Jake is going through. Will Casey forgive him? Is she even mad? Why didn't he tell her he's the biker boy? Who is Marcus? Will she be able to walk? EEEEP things are getting exciting! Thank you all for all you votes and read!* Please comment and let me know what you think!* I had such a great time this weekend, the small town we went to is in the middle of a range of mountains and it was snowing! Till next time**

Happy Reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now