Chapter 17

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"Case, I know you don't want to hear this but physio is THE best fucking thing that could've happened to you. You're body is stunning." I snort at Clair's reaction, after the accident and operation, I don't feel comfortable in my skin, but physio made me stronger and more muscle. Its been six weeks since I got out of hospital and eight since Jake walked out on me. I might be more smiley and sarcastic on the outside but inside I'm slowly dien'

Before I could realise the doorbel had rang, Clair went to get it and now she's callin' me. I walk into the living room, surprised to say the least. a Woman in her forty's sitting on our couch, she has piercing green eyes but the rest of her features are clear who she is, Jake's Momma. " Mrs Matthews?" I ask catiously and her smile confirms my suspision "He told me you were a smart one. Casey, I'm Sarah Matthews, I need to talk to you about Jake"  I nod and Clair offers her something to drink which she declines.

"Jake is in a dark place, he is destroying himself and we have tried everything. Nate came to me, he says Jake has been screaming your name in his sleep, then he stopped sleeping... I know my boy has treated you unfairly, I had my share if scolding him for it. My darling girl, I know this is a lot to ask, but can you please try and talk to him. He became a man when he met you, he planned to bring you home the weekend after your finals. The accident tore him in two, if he could just see he's doing this for no reason and he hasn't lost you-"  I sit beside her and smile a small smile "Mrs Matthews, I don't think any good will come from this but I'll go and talk to him for your sake and his well being"


I knocked twice when I heard shufflin and keys a few seconds later Nate opened the door, sounds of a girl screamin' is distant in their apartment "Casey now isn't really-" OH no he isn't, I walk into the apartment past Nate and straight to his room "You are some fuckin' piece of work" I slam open the door, a busty blonde ontop of Jake confirms the sounds, the shock on his face is clear as he pushes her off of him "You are some actor, ya know that? Your momma is worried sick about you, claimin' that the guilt of hurtin' me is to much for you, well hell, you sure look stressed to me!" by now he has a boxer on and is standing a few inches from me, he tried to take my hand but I pulled away quick enough "It never was about guilt, you just wanted to get into my pants but when I had a leg that didn't work you decided you can get a much easier shag with some tramp somewhere else! You're a disgrace, I am ashamed to say you had my heart" still do, my inner self tels me but I ignore it.

"Casey-" I cut him off " You know what save it. go fuck you're whores." I turn around and head for the door but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back "Casey I-" I cut him off again tears streamin down my face "I loved you, still do. BUT YOU LEFT. you left like a coward, screwin who knows what where and how. I stood ALONE, You broke me into pieces..." I ripped my arm out of his grip and made for the door, "I shouldn't have come. I'll never come back again" I said as I turned to see those blue eyes one more time before I closed the door and ran.

∞∞∞ (1 month later)

"I can't believe you're leaving" Clair pouts at me and I chuckle " I'm only going for a weekend, besides there's still two months left till this year is over, then I'll be moving. By then ya'll be tired of me anyway." she gives a snort " I can't believe you're going because of him-" I cut her off "I'm doing this for me. When Marcus- Italy became my home. I was me there, its my salvation. I can't see Jake anymore, my heart gets ripped out every time... I need a fresh start." Clair sighs " I get that, but do you really need to move to Italy for that?"

I just give her a sad smile "yes."

Well now I don't think anyone expected that! I'm sorry for any editing and grammar errors, I'm in hospital and only have my Tablet with me. Things are happening fast so buckle in ladies and gents! Let me know what you think!! Thank you for reading and voting!!!!*

Happy Reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora