Chapter 15

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He just stood there. I felt like rippin' him apart, I have so many questions but I feel too betrayed too even ask them. His eyes are cast downwards, but I know there's guilt inside of them, hurt inside of them. I swallow back the tears in my eyes, he broke me. He broke me more than Marcus... He broke my heart into a black hole... he just, completely broke me.

"Alright. Could Casey and I have a minute alone please?" Andrew breaks the silence and confusion washes over me, out of everyone I would've expected him to be furious... In seconds everybody is out the door and I look at him with furrowed brows. "I know Casey Cat. What the fuck is he doing, right? I don't know if you've noticed but his bashed up lip is thanks to me" he chuckles, wait what? Bashed lip? Before I could as any questions Drew started to speak again "Listen Casey Cat. That guy has been through hell. He hasn't slept once since you've been here, he hardly eats and we both know he likes eatin' after last weekend. He's been watching you for two straight weeks. He's cried with your Momma and asked your Daddy for forgiveness about a thousand times. He told me if you've been seriously hurt, I have the permission to kill him."

I look away from Drew, tears in my eyes, he clears his throat "Listen Case, I know you're hurting and if I know you like I know I do, you're not mad about the accident, you're hurt because he never told you. Just- Fuck Casey Cat, you forgave Marcus and he- Just let the poor guy explain." I look up at him an smile sadly "When did you become the smart one?" he chuckles and hold my hand "I'm going to let him come in and talk to you?" it was more a question then a statement, I just nodded and swallow the tears that I know I'll be sheddin' in the next few minutes.


After a few seconds, which felt like years, Jake reappeared in the doorway. For the first time I really took him in, he had a busted lip, a scratch just below his eye and his arm was in a sling, he looked tired and like he was about to cry. When my eyes met with those blue orbs I just couldn't hold it anymore I felt the first tear stream down my face "Why?" I croaked out and he walked to me slowly, like he's scared I'll disappear

"Casey... Cocoa... You have-" he swallows hardly "You have every right to hate me, I hate myself for putting you through this. I'm so sorry Baby..." He chokes out the word, swallowin' tears, sittin' next my bed his head on resting on my hip. I gently stroke his hair as the tears escape my eyes " I don't hate you, accidents happen, I just need to know why you lied to me, you had so many times in the last six month to tell my and ya just didn't..." He lifts his head at my word and surprise is evident on his beautiful face. "I just wanted you to want me for me, for who I am. I didn't want you to see the guy everyone else sees, yeah I love bikes and I'm good at it, but people expect me to be a certain way there, a way I'm not. I'm me when I'm with you and I didn't want to lose that. My own Dad can't stand me riding, I wouldn't be able to live if you couldn't either..." by the time he's done speaking he sobs into my half embrace "I will never look at you differently... If you're the you I know, the one I fell in love with, I'm happy, I want you to know I'll always be there for you, but you can't lie to me about these types of things... I want to trust you..." he looks at me sadly and stands up, kneelin' over me, restin' his forehead on mine

"I am so sorry Baby. I won't be able to forgive myself for this, ever. I felt like I was dying when you fainted and the surgeries and the two weeks... I can't think of not having you in my life-I just... Casey- I Love you Casey Evans. So fucking much"

SOOOOOO its another short one, but I think its adorable! He said the magic words!!!! Thank you all for voting and reading, it means so much to me!* Please keep pressing that star, reading and commenting!** 

Happy reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora