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Dabi's pov :

I wake up looking at Izuku tied up and chained he looks so cute. I place my hand on his fluffy hair.

I rubbed his hair softly, not wanting to wake him up. I glide my hand down to Izuku freckled face. I accidentally made Izuku sneezed which woke him up.

He looked at me and then started to scream and shout, but because of the rope in his mouth, it sounded muffled.

"Morning, sweetheart, don't need to be so shocked ." I said, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

I take the rope off of his mouth and place my hand in front of his mouth.

"Before I go and get food, you must follow these 3 rules, or else i will rape you again. . I got it." I said, grabbing his cheeks roughly so he could look at me and me only.

Rule #1 : You are to call me love or

Rule #2 : You are not to leave this
                place or I will kill your
Rule #3 : You must obey every order I
                 give you got it.

He nodded his head.

"Good boy." I said, taking the chains off and the rope. I kept the leash on the pole, though.

"You are to stay here, and you can't explore, or else I rape you, ok ?" I said seriously.

"Yes, darling ." Izuku said. Looking me in my eyes.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask him.

"Cold soba or spicy ramen please anyone though. You pick darling. " Izuku said.

I just love it when he calls me darling. I wonder how he sounds when he says love.

"Ok bye, see you later, sweetheart ." I said, waving bye.

"Bye love, see you later." He said, making me blush. He said love, and it sounded so cute.

I soon left for a local villain grocery shop. How else do you think villains get their food without being caught.

Shigaraki's pov :

"Ok, so when Izuku is asleep, I will go into his dream and ask him questions, and then when I am done, I will tell you what he said to me so for now right down your questions on a piece of paper but only one question each. " I said to the pro heroes as they began to write their one question down.

I really hope Izuku is ok.

I shouldn't have allowed dabi anywhere near him since day one. Then this wouldn't have happened because all for one can show up any time and take izuku, then turn him into a mindless nomu.

Izuku pov :

I looked up and saw cracked windows. I looked over to my left shoulder and saw tubs of some type of clear liquid. It looked thick, though. Maybe I can ask Dabi when he comes back. I started to get really tired. My eyelids were getting heavy, and I soon enough fell asleep.

Shigaraki's pov :

I can feel Izuku drifted off to slumber.

"Hey guys, Izuku's sleeping. I need to go now, so hand me tour papers, and I'll go and ask him the questions and come back with answers. " I said, hoping my plan would work. 

I soon enough sleep as well and meet in Izuku's dream. All I saw was izuku being raped by Dabi. I couldn't stand it. I carried on walking until I spotted izuku in the corner of my eye.  He was curled up in a ball. I could hear him crying.

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