Stop it

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( Hey guys, I forgot Izuku had been branded on the chest, so his pain was even worse on his chest because of the burnt skin being scraped off )

Izuku pov :

My eyes were heavy. I tried lifting them, but they wouldn't open. I tried even harder and eventually got them to open. My eyes were open, but the pain was painful. My whole body was sore only. My face and my left arm were the only parts of my body that weren't hurt.

"Hey, you awake! I was waiting so long for you to wake up. It was so boring ." His tone sounded like a child that was very excited. " By the way, we still played the game, and while you were asleep, I made a long list of questions to ask you, and you know not to lie. " His tone was serious again.

My head was hanging low. I didn't dare to look up at him. "Hey, why aren't you talking ?" He questioned me. He was mad. Footsteps were coming from behind me. I tried looking back, but my head could only 160 degrees. I felt a pair of big hands grab my hair roughly and pull my head up to look at Trickster. I groaned. "Thank you, Dan ." He said. Saying that to the person who was pulling me by my hair from behind. "You welcome master." Dan said from behind me.

Trickster was sitting on a caboard. He jumped off and moved towards me. Once you were by me, he grabbed my chin and told Dan to leave the room. Once he left, Tricksters gaze was on me now. "Okay, so are we going to continue, or are we going straight to the torture session." He said, looking me deep in the eyes. I nodded. "You know Izuku, if you are not going to talk, I can go straight to the torture. You should be lucky because I would be torturing you by now, but I'm not because I want to play this game and find out more about you. "He shouted at me which. Surprised me. He wanted to find out more about me. "What is there that so special about me?" I asked him, and he seemed surprised because I was talking. "There's so many things that are special about you ." He said to me. "Like what ?" I questioned him.

"Well, for starters, the way you always smile even in dangerous situations. The way you want to save everybody, even VILLAINS. The way you want to risk your life just to save one soul. You are the strongest kid in the whole of UA school. Yet you are saying what's so special about you." Trickster said. For the first time, I was shocked by a villain who said so many things about me and how I am special. "no NO NO ! I AM NOT SPECIAL. " I snapped at him. I'm trying not to let him get to me. He was probably lying anyway." I WON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAY !!" I was furious. My voice was hurting from the screaming.

"Fine, if you think you are not special, then so be it! " He snapped back at me. Picking up a knife from the metal table.  "I will make sure you aren't special in any way, looks, thoughts, anything !!" He shouted at me.

⚠️ Cutting and more torture ⚠️ skip if you want.

He began dragging the knife along my left arm, cutting into it. It would probably need to be stitched up. I tried my best not to scream. Remember I said tried. "Ahhhh ok FINE I'M SPECIAL!" I screamed at him as he was cutting very deeply into my skin. He moved to my face, ignoring my screams and pleadings. He cut deeply into my right cheek, leaving a whole lot of blood pouring out of my open cut. I was screaming. My cries were no use. They only made the wound burn even more.

He put the knife down and grabbed the needle, a cloth and cotton, and started sewing up my blood-soaked arm that he washed with a cloth. The long cut on my left arm left a pool of blood on the arm rest. Their were like 31 stitches on my arm. Trickster began moving towards my right cheek.He was wiping my cheek with the same cloth he used on my arm. I tried my best not to cry. He put the bloody cloth down and picked up the needle and cotton. I couldn't tell how many he was putting in. When he was done.

He walked back and looked at me. "Mmh," He hummed, looking at my disturbing sight. Broken finger, stitches, branding marks that say property of Trickster,blood all over, and pieces of missing skin. It wasn't a disturbing sight it was a horrifying sight to see.

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