My Game my rules ~

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Author's note ~

Hey guys, I forgot to mention that he has the quirk canceling bracelets on. Back in
Part 1 : The game begins. The quirk bracelets weren't turned on yet. That's how Izuku was able to regenerate with his immortality. I also forgot to mention that after Trickster saw Izuku regenerate back to life. He turned the quirk bracelets on. That's  the reason my Izuku can't regenerate his limbs. Sorry for this.

Back to the story ~

Izuku pov :

My eyes flutter open, and the room is beaming with an unknown light source.I look to the door. My leg and arm are gone. I can still feel it. The door was open. Trickster wasn't there. I could escape! I begin crawling towards the door. It was very hard to crawl with one hand and one leg pushing. I was so close.
" Puppet."I heard at the back of the room. My body is numb. I'm not in control. Trickster is. He walked up from behind me. He placed his hand on my one leg. "Sad. You would have probably been able to escape if you had your limbs." Trickster said, rubbing my leg. I couldn't respond. He moves his hand to the quirk bracelets. He takes them off of me. "Regenerate your missing limbs." He commands. I do. Once my arm and leg are healed. Trickster places the bracelets back on. Trickster clicked his fingers, and his control was gone. "I also got you food." He says. He walks to something and takes it off the shelf.

⚠️  Trigger warning blood and gore and disgusting stuff. ⚠️

It was the black bag that held my rotting leg in. He grabbed the bowl I ate out of. He began peeling the skin off my leg. Blood started seeping through as Trickster carried on, making my "food."
He is going to force me to eat this. I can tell. Trickster walks away from the place he is making the "food." I see him grab more black bags. I couldn't see what was in them. Trickster was done with my leg and chopping it. It was only the bone left. I see him place the other ingredients from the other black bags in the bowl. He picks it up and walks towards me. He places it down. Shock took over. My blood turned cold. I won't eat this. I can't. Not only was it my leg, but it was 3 hearts and stomachs. Cheeks from faces of people. I want to puke. I couldn't eat that. "Oh, and just to make it easier for me. Puppet." He said. My body fell numb. "Eat all of the food in your bowl." My body began moving towards the food. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't.
I grabbed the food and ate it. 'It tastes so good.' No, what am I saying?! This is human. It can't be. I refuse to believe that.

'The hearts were the most delicious part.' No, please, I can't think that please no. No no no no no no no. I am no cannibal.  'The flesh of my leg was the second best. I can't wait til Trickster gets me more of this.' No, I couldn't believe what I was thinking. I couldn't. Tears were streaming down my face as I finished the bowl of "food."  "Good boy." Trickster said. He rubs the back of my ear, and I lean into his hand. 'No.' I thought this couldn't be happening. No, I refuse. I am not evil. I will not let this happen to me.

Trickster clicked his fingers, and I was in control again. "How was it." He said with joy. A grin appeared on his face. "It was horrible." I stated. "That's not what your head says." I couldn't believe it he was reading my mind. How many quirks does he have. "Here, let me help you with those thoughts." Trickster grabs a syringe out of his pocket and stabs it into my neck. I soon passed out from the serum inside the syringe.

⚠️ Trigger warning end ⚠️

Aizawa pov :

We have finally landed on the other side of Japan. Now, we begin to look for Izuku. The cities are massive. But there is one small city. A city called Shoni. We entered the place. It looked like a crime area. So we went there. "Hey, hello, please can you help me please. I have been trying to ask for help for days, but no one believes me." A girl with pink hair cried. "What's wrong?" I asked her.
"My name is Ushi, by the way." She said before continuing. "My friend has been kidnapped."She cried. "How?" I asked her. "They used me to get to him ." She continued sobbing. "He was littered with scars when I met him. He said he trained, and that's how he got them. But him being kidnapped, I knew that it was from them." She still sobbed. Wonder how long she's been crying for." Who's them?" I asked her. "The people that kidnapped him." She said her sobbing slowly stopped. "What's his name?" I asked her. "He said it was Izuku Midoriya." 'Izuku.' I thought. "Don't worry, we will find Izuku." I assured her. "T-thank y-you and when you f-find him please tell that I'm waiting for him."she cried even harder. "Will do ma'am." I call Endeavor to take her to recovery, girl. "I will head to the farthest building from this little down." I say on the hearing device we all have.

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