Part 1: Games not over yet~

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Bakugou pov :

My eyes have been sore and dry for the past 2 days. I've been crying since. Deku's gone by a new villain that no one knows of. My legs are covered in stabbed wounds as well as my arms and stomach. Thank goodness it never it any of my vital organs. I had a whole bunch of stitches and bandages on me. I had bruised my ankle as I jumped on top of that one big guy at the USJ, and he grabbed my ankle and threw me to the ground. My legs were bruised as well from the impact. My thigh bone needed to be replaced by a fake bone because my bone was shattered into splinters.

I hopped out of the hospital bed with my crutches and began crutching towards the door of my hospital room. The doctors said that there were a few people waiting outside for me a day ago.
He said I could only see them today. I opened the door and crutched to see who was waiting for me. I looked over, and a nurse saw me and instantly moved to my aid. She grabbed me around my waist and my arm. She was helping me to where I wanted to go. We were walking for a long time. We eventually turned a corner, and I saw todoroki covered in little plasters.  Uraraka was sitting next to todoroki crying. Kirishima was sitting next to Uraraka and patting her back.  Kirishima looked up and saw me with the nurse. "Bakubro!" He exclaimed. He ran up to me and gave me a big tight hug. "Tch!" I said as he squeezed on of my wounds.

"OMG !" Uraraka said, wiping her tears away. She came up to me. "I am so glad you are not dead." she said, crying again.
"Why would I be dead?!" I shouted at them. "Because when you were stabbed multiple times. The doctors were afraid you won't make it because of blood loss."Uraraka explained to me. I looked back to the chairs, and Todoroki hadn't moved since he had sat there. He was mumbling. I walked up to him the closer I got, and the more I heard his mumbling.The more worried I felt.  It was about Deku." Hey, Icy Hot, stop your mumbling. You sound just like deku !" I exclaimed the whole room went silent. "I'm sorry ." Icy hot apologized. He voice was neutral.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you to stop mumbling. It's just that it reminds me of deku so much, and his not with us now. But I promise we will get him back no matter what. Even if we have to risk our lives!" I shouted, holding my hand up into a fist. "Yeah!" Uraraka exclaimed, and the rest followed. "We will save deku-kun !" She shouted with her fist held high. I gave a smile. "Guys, Bakubro is smiling!" Kirishima exclaimed. "What, no, I'm not!" I shouted my face, turning a shade of red. "Look, Bakubro's blushing, awww!" Kirishima exclaimed. My blushing only intensified. No, I'm not !" I shouted.

Izuku pov :

"Wakey wakey ." I heard a voice say. Water splashed me soon after. My eyes opened widely. My body burning when the water hit my wounds. "Aahh !" I screamed. "Good, you're awake. Today is going to be a big day ." The person said. "I hope you will be able to survive ." The person said with a big grin. I tried to get out of my chains. But to no avail. I failed miserable. "Aww, can Tricksters pet not get out of it's chains. " The person said as he saw my failure. I was furious he called me a pet. " I AM NO ONES PET!!" I exclaimed, my voice hurting. I tried even harder to get out of my chains. " Oh, you sure about that, then my does it says property of Trickster on your leg,arm and chest, huh?" He questioned me. I lowered my head in defeat at what the man said. Maybe I am just someone's pet to be toyed with.

The man grabbed my ankle and pulled on it. Hurting my hands that were restrained by the chains that were holding me up. "Oww!" I exclaimed. My voice was hoarse. I haven't eaten for a while now. I don't even know how many days it's been. "You listen here, ok? You are not to leave this place, and you are not allowed to talk unless spoken to. You will not fight back. You will do whatever we say, got it?" He told me his hand still on my ankle. I nodded. His hold on my ankle tightened. "THAT'S NOT A PROPER ANSWER !" The man yelled. "I'M SORRY YES!" I shouted. Good. I'm going to take you down from the chains now. Don't try and fight back, or else you will wish you never lived. "Y-yes." I said, my voice hurting. I was thristy. I needed something to drink but was too afraid to ask the man. I looked up and saw the man gone to get a chair to help him get me down. He came back with a wooden chair. He placed it next to me and stood on it. He began to unchain my arms, and I fell to the ground. My butt was hurting from the impact. I winced.

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