10. Color

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"You were hurt. Badly. Do you understand that?"

Dr. Yukiyama stared at me with a look crossed between disappointment and worry, and it made my stomach curl around its empty contents.

"Yae, to be frank, I'm tired of seeing you in my hospital. This is the seventeenth, in your ten years of coming here, where quirk exhaustion was one of the various symptoms. And each time your body comes back worse for it. You need to learn your limits."

I looked down at my legs, curled and cramped under the rough blue blanket they always offered when I came. Most of the nurses knew my name. And some would offer small things, like an extra pudding cup, for the sake of familiarity.

But in the case of Dr. Yukiyama, the only change came with longer and longer scoldings, and calls to social workers, all ending with the same result. My confusion, and my father's anger.

"I'm sorry. I was not in a clear head space. I should have known better. It won't happen again."

He sighed. I watched as his long fingers swept through his messy cornrows. He seemed tired. More tired than usual. I wondered why, but didn't bother asking, it wasn't my place to.

"I know this time was different. I know you were faced with, well, a lot. I'm surprised you're the only student I have to bother with from that class. But don't try to get up on your own. Don't pull your IV out, and don't go wandering the halls at three in the morning. It's not good for anyone's health."

"I apologize. But she didn't answer me. The nurse. When I asked, she wouldn't say."

He looked at me with narrowed eyes before letting out a tired sigh. "What do you want to know?"

"What happened to the woman, the one with long hair that was- that I- that-"

"The one that stabbed you?"

I gulped and felt a small shiver run through me as I felt my hand subconsciously run along the edge of the bandage against my chest. I forgot about that part.

"The woman I hurt."

"We talked to the other witnesses at the scene. We know what you did was in self defense." His hand hovered over my shoulder before it moved back to his side limply. "No one blames you."

I felt my head get big, and dizzy. Tears were scratching at my eyes, fighting to get out. But I wouldn't let them. No one should see them, and think that I need pity. I'm not the one- the one who-

I gulped scratching at my throat, the dream I had flashing back in my eyes. Was it a premonition? Did she really...

"What happened to her?" My voice came out harsher than I meant it to. I would normally correct it, but I needed to know. More than I needed to breathe or eat, or think.

"I am not allowed to reveal information about other patients."

"Please, I need to know If I- if she- if she'll..." I gulped, screaming that I couldn't get the words out. That my brain would harshly shove me away from even thinking that I killed- that I killed her.

He sighed heavily, looking to the door and then back at me. I felt small when his eyes traveled over my deep eyebags and heavy bandages ranging all around my arm and chest.

"If I tell you this, this information cannot leave this room, is that understood? I could lose my job for way less."

"I won't tell anyone."

"She'll live, there's no question about it." I let out a long breath, feeling a weight fall off my shoulders like snow from a roof. "But she'll be blind for the rest of her life."

The Wise Child (BNHA x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora