20. Lap Dog

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“Your brother was right, you really are crazy.”

I stared at the boy for a long moment before registering what he said. When I did it was like being showered with cold water. My brother. 

What would he say when he learned of my failure? Perhaps he would be gleeful, thrilled that I had been reduced to nothing in my father’s eye. Was he really so cruel? No- not cruel. He was right, maybe I did deserve it. After everything I’ve done. 

“Oi! Ghost face-” I flinched, turning to meet the red eyed boy’s gaze. “I said, are you listening? The teacher sent me to find you, the fights are about to begin.”

I blinked. That was right… 

“Are you coming or not?”

I gulped. I willed myself to get up, but everytime I moved, something made me stay down. As if there was a weight holding me still. I tried, gritting my teeth, staring at my leg to shuffle, for my arms to lift me, but they wouldn’t. 

Tears of frustration filled my eyes. 

“What’s the point? He wants you out of the tournament.”

My teeth tore at my gums as I tried to ignore the voice in my head. To ignore that it was right. 

“Ghost Face, we don’t have all day.”

I looked from him, to the door, to my legs. I tried to move again but when I didn’t I couldn’t help but grit my teeth as tears spilled from my eyes. 

I willed myself to stop crying instantly, but I couldn’t. I was sobbing in front of a boy I barely knew, and I couldn’t stop. My father wouldn't look at me if he were here now. I was causing embarrassment to his name. 

“Oi! Oi! Stop crying,” Bakugou scrambled, looking around wildly. “Uh- Stop it!”

I tried to abide by his words, but couldn’t seem to. I was stuck. 

“Look, look, just stop it!” He tried, curling his fists and huffing, eyes moving rapidly around the room as if something in there would hold the answer. “Okay, Okay…” He hummed. “Look idiot, I’ll be back- just don’t move, and figure out the-” he waved his hands around in the air- “Emotions thing.”

I tried to hide my face as I messily wiped my tears, even as more came. I managed to nod and felt a touch of relief at his absence. But after a moment I almost wished he hadn’t left. I wanted him to, I did, but everything was so much bigger now that I was alone. 

Pulling my sleeves up, I scrubbed at my eyes, leaving my face raw and rawer after every tear. 

Unsteadily, I attempted to take deep breaths. Just like Miss Megumi had taught me. 

I moved my hands around, trying to tame my hair that had fallen loose from its braid, but I felt as though it was no use. My father always did say it was untamable. 

Just as I felt like I might be able to stand long enough to leave the horrible bathroom that smelled of cleaning detergent and mold, I heard footsteps drawing nearer. 

“What’s so pressing that you needed me?” I heard a familiar voice in the hall, and I felt my stomach drop. Not her- no, no, no-

“Lady problems or something I don’t know!” Bakugou’s voice confirmed my doom and I curled into myself attempting wildly to not look as-as… crazy. 

The door opened and my eyes met onyx ones, before I examined the appearance of Mo- Yaoyorozu. Her eyes were wide with confusion, and then concern, and she looked just as perfect as she always did. I felt certain in that moment that she would never let herself cry like I had. 

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