CHAPTER 9 Dorian

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The sun is up.

Relieve washes my cold sweat as i spot her, colourful shiny tiny sparkles around her. I dive in, grab her hand and carry her up.

For an other time i ignore her dissimilarity from every other fairy i know. It is not normal for someone to change the water's colour or unlock doors by asking them politely. Father wants her for a reason. And i decided, I'm not going to hand her to him. I'm taking ber home instead. And i refuse to take her chance of meeting her kingdom because of a stupid boat.

Anna is not breathing. I have to take us out of here. I look around. The water is taking us away from the Atlanta dock to the down land of Atlanta, towards the waterfalls. Thats our chance. I move my one hand and legs so that the water leads us to the land and after some seconds it does. Elves, like me, have the ability to control water. I quickly carry Anna out of the water, panic in my eyes. I refuse loose you, not like this.

I carefully lay her on the sand and begin giving her first aid but nothing works. I blow air her mouth with mine one last time. Our lips part and i hesitate before i brush her sweet lips with mine. Kissing her slowly and gently. It only ment to last a little but i got carried away and stopped only when i felt her urge to cough.

Immediately, I remove my lips from hers and distance myself as much as i can. What did i just do? I slap my face hard. She wouldn't want that to happen! Anna thinks a kiss as a magical moment especially her first... Well our first kiss was to save her unlike the last one. I feel my lips burn as i watch her sit up trembling and constantly coughing water.

When she stops she just sits there trying to take even breaths. "It's alright," i sit next to her hugging her with my one hand "I'm here now."

Anna hugs me as if it was our last time. "Thank you. Thank you for saving my life, Dorian."

"Dorian?" I title my head "You never call me by my first name. It feels weird."

She looks up at me mesmerized but soon pushes me away as she realises how close we were or how i slightly closed my eyes and started bringing my face closer to hers again. "My name is Annelise Vale." She says "I didn't tell you my full name the first time we met. But i trust you now."

Annelise? Not Anna? "I like your name." I confess as i cup her hand with mine helping her stand up.

"Wait. You're not angry?" She asks confused. "No, not really." I smile and we start walking hand by hand.

"You're a great friend. You know that?"

"I know." I say proudly but ashamed deep inside by what i just did. Yes Anna- Annelise, I am your friend, the one that secretly is all yours.

"How did you save me by the way?" She asks.

"I gave you the kiss of true love."

Annelise opens her mouth to respond but i cut her off "Just kidding. I gave you first aid."

She pretends as if she never heard me as soon as she notices the view in front of us. Waterfalls. A dozen of waterfalls.

I used to beg my father to bring me here when I was little. He was too busy most of the times and mother always decided to take me and my sister here instead. And now I'm here with you, Annelise.

I feel my face heat up as i get lost in her enchanting gaze. When i had first layed my eyes on her my heart started beating unlikely quickly. I decided to hand her to my father and get rid of that distraction but now i want to get lost in it.

I once believed love would be black and white but now I'm looking at her, full of colour.

Her eyes still when she notices the cave right behind the waterfalls. The cave where i planed on staying for tonight. Tomorrow, I'll tour Annelise to the village and then... Then I'll let her go and our paths will have to separate. And after that i have to persuade my father to never look for this girl again without mentioning that i lowkey found her.

We start walking towards the cave. When we arrive i help Annelise adjust.

If my suspicions are true, Annelise must be the lost princess, the legend that was propheted to kill the monster of the sparkling sea. People are waiting for her, her parents are waiting for her and I'm sure she is the one. The chosen one.

It is said that when the queen was pregnant she fell sick (i suspect my father for that) and a prophet visited her in order to discover a way that lead to survival of both. The prophet recommended the queen to consume the magic flower but that way the princess that was to be born would be depted and tied as the chosen one that would kill the ancient creature.

It was a difficult decision but the king and the queen decided to keep the baby and do what the prophet recommended m suggested, the fate of the princess was already decided. Many thought they the heir was doomed but the king and the queen loved the princess and were determined to prepare her before facing her future.

The princess was born and a new light filled Atlanta with life until her kidnapping which lead to our king threatening Atlantica for war. Because as many wanted the so called cherry princess, due to her cherry red hair, to defeat the monster, others wanted her dead or sold. That means that the kidnapper either wanted to kill the princess or to raise her and then sell her which i think was the case with her 'mother'.

Anyways, a war broke eventually between the two kingdoms: the magical Atlanta and the non magical Atlantica. The reason for that war was not because of the princess's kidnapping but for other Atlantas by Atlantica invaders. Thankfully, after a two years the way was stopped.

Unfortunately, my father was desperate for me to take the crown off Atlanta instead of the lost princess since he thought she wouldn't return or be found. My father, the grand duke, never asked me he just trained me. The training included me secretly escorting lost Atlanta people from Atlantica back home. But father warned that if i found a cherry red haired girl to take her to him. If didn't know better i wouldn't even suspect him wanting to kill her but now i do.

My father is a strict and serious person. He won't be like Annelise's 'mother' and try to sell her, he will kill her and take the money from others for killing her.

"Again..." Annelise's voice pulls me out of my thoughts "Thank you for saving my life."

I turn my gaze to her. Her face seems sweet and curious for my answer. I nod as serious as i can manage. "Can i... Can i hug you?" She asks. She wants to hug me! I don't respond with words as i hug her, squishing her in my arms. I feel her hands slowly making their way to my back, careful and neat.

I start to worry as she stops moving and the only thing i feel is her warm breath on my neck which makes me blush at the thought. My body suddenly feels turned on. I start sweating and i already know my face is as red as a tomato. My heart is beating wild. And all of this because i realised that Annelise feel asleep in my arms. That means she feels safe around me.

I close my eyes burring my face in her neck and soon fall asleep.

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