CHAPTER 5 Dorian

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"Lord Dorian, your father has summoned you." My personal maid announces me right after my first kill, a dragon.

I'm still wearing my training clothes but I have no time to change. As i turn to leave my eye spots Victoria, my sister in a corner. Her black hair is brushed my the light wind as her purple eyes seriously look at mine. She knows something. I rash from the training field to my father's mansion.

My heart beats as i enter my father's, Atlanta grand duke's, dark office. He sits on his big chair across the room doing some paperwork on his huge desk, as always. His gase raises escaping his glasses meeting mine. I suddenly have the urge to stand straighter.

"You have called me, father." I lightly bow.

"Congratulations, son." Father begun "A dragon, i learned." "Yes, father. Thank you." I thank him. This mustn't be his only reason for summoning me. He has better things to do than praise me with his eyes still scanning his so important papers.

"I have a mission for you, from the king." He starts "As you already know, about seventeen years ago, the princess who was propheted to kill the monster of the sparkling sea was kidnapped by a mysterious human and that's how the war begun. After that incident the royal family got furious and decided to prohibit the interaction between the two words but that only resulted to a war, a war to which many humans kidnapped our kind to sell. I assign you to find our lost people, Dorian."

"Thank you for trusting me, father." I kneel before him as a sign of respect. He nods.

"I have hosted a ball tomorrow for your eighteen birthday ceremony and start of you mission." He waves his hand "Go, child, and prepare for it. In two days be ready to go to Atlantica."

I nod and get back to my feet then turn to open the door. "Wait!" He calls, i stop "If... If you find a girl with cherry red hair and unique powers, bring her to me and your reward will be something you can't even imagine."

"Your word is my command, father." I bow one final time as i step out of the room.


I open my eyes and see the darkness of the room. The only thing I hear is her. I brush my hair back as i get up from the floor hearing her soft, sweet, gentle breathing louder now.

I knew it since the first time i saw her. She is the cherry girl my father was looking for and I'm going to get her to him and finally get rid of this distraction.

I get out of the room, careful not to wake her as i close the door gently. It has been an hour or two since she fell asleep. I can't really tell. The only thought running on my mind is her until i open her bedroom's door. I close it, not at all gently and find the innkeeper half naked laying on her bed.

An old chuckle is heard as he says "Oh sunshine, you finally came!" He doesn't turn his head to look at me sure enough that the one that entered the room was the one he expected. "I noticed how you were looking at me when i first layed my eyes on you. Don't worry, i won't hurt you. I came here so both of us can have fun. I also heard it's your first time." Hunger in his voice. "What was your name again? Anna?"

I suddenly feel my eyes glow with rage and a strange feeling i have never in my life felt before, jealousy.

"Don't you dare say her name." I warn his as i hit his head from behind with a glass of bottle i find at the table next to me. The innkeeper screams from the pain, soaked with water "Who are you?"

"Surely not your sunshine." I say as i walk towards him and when I'm close enough to him i grab his hand and twist his fingers. The man gives a good tortured scream as i hit his nose and kidney at the same time. Screams and coughs.

"I remember you!" He says as he coughs blood "You were with sun- that girl! When i get out of here I'm going to get you both arrested.

"Don't be so sure... About getting out of here." I say stretching my arms "Well, at least not alive."

The innkeeper manages to get up from the bed looking me in the eye as he coughs "You dare blackmail me." "Nah. If i was blackmailing you right now i wouldn't plan on killing you in less that three minutes from now."

The man says nothing as he tries to grab my collar but i knock him out before doing so by hitting his jaw hard enough and down the count. The innkeeper falls on the carpet unconscious. He is not dead but he soon will be.

I get out of the room picking Anna's key, that must have fallen on the floor, and lock the room behind me. He will die in about thirty minutes without medical help and he's definitely about to get some as we won't be waking up before that time. Nobody will come to save you exactly how you planed it with my Anna.

After that i return back to my room along with Anna's bag, i wouldn't want her to walk inside that room tomorrow and find a corpse laying on the floor.

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