CHAPTER 6 Annelise

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Everything felt weird when i woke up. The people working at the inn were panicked looking for the innkeeper and we had to start our way to the grand Atlantica palace. Of course we won't be staying there, Ryder has brought with him a thing called tent which will be enough for us to spend the night inside. The only problem is that he has only one so once again we'll have to sleep in the same room.

"How far are we?" I ask. We have been walking for the last three hours straight. The sun is burning, I'm thirsty and hungry but i don't open my mouth as i can already guess we'll fight again.

"We still have about four hours left." He says "a certain someone couldn't wake up, you know, and got us start a little late." He says mockingly clearly referring to me. I sigh.

"Could we at least make a small stop here?" I ask. I swear my legs can't go like this any more. "No. No we can't." Was his answer.

"Tsk tsk tsk, cruel people." I raise my hands in confusion "what to say?" I look at him annoyed but then the corner of my eye spots a field. A field filled with dandelions. Instantly, a smile is drawn on my lips as i breath "Wow..."

"You like them?" Ryder turns to look at me "They are dandelions."

"I know what they are, Ryder. I wasn't living inside a cave all those years." I cross my arms. Ryder signs annoyed rolling his eyes as he stills his weapons bent on his belt and pants. But despite my antipathy towards him i can't help but chuckle at the beautiful view.

Suddenly, i feel the energy gaining the overwhelming out of me. A feeling like magic, like i can breathe again. Next thing i know, i start running. Slowly at first. The golden sun spraying the edges of my red hair and lashes. I close my eyes as if to enjoy the moment.

A small familiar annoyingly serious voice manages to ruin the momen. "What are you doing?" "Living the moment, I don't know?" I say as i notice he starts running too.

"Are you chasing me?" I ask through the little fresh air collected in my lungs. "You are not going to stop by yourself, that sure i know." He says.

"I'm faster."

"Watch me."

And here we are running in the middle of a random field filled with dandelions. Beautiful dandelions full of unknown wishes.

Despite my energy, my body begins to fall apart quicker that expected due to my lack of eating today. I turn to see where Ryder is and oh man he is about one metre away from me. Instinctively, i roll to the filed. A silly girly giggle escapes my mouth in the way. The ground smells freshness as the flowers could replace the softest mattress in the world. I stop rolling and lay facing the sun, my arms spread comfortably.

"You saw me coming and got scared, i guess?" Ryder says blocking the sun above me, his curtain dark hair's ends becoming gold. His hand reaching mine.

"Oh shut up, Ryder." I say as i pull him down with me. Now both of us admiring the golden sun. Ryder crosses his arms placing them under his head as he closes his eyes for some seconds. "You're right, darling. A little break won't hurt anyone."

My eyes stiff at the word darling. He hasn't stopped calling me that since the first day we met but he soon will. Our paths will split, thankfully.

"Here," Ryder cuts a dandelion and hands it to me as he does the same for me. "Make a wish. It is said that wishes come true here." "I thought you didn't believe in fairytales?"

"Well, i still don't. I just... Thought you might be interested." He says drawing my attention to the flower. I frown in a weird way, titling my head. "A wish you say?" I ask, he nods.

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