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You groan softly when the sunlight filters in through the curtains and shines in your face. You roll over to avoid the light, cursing when your phone goes off. You are so not ready to get out of bed. After ignoring the calls for some time you finally push up into a sitting position and answer your phone. It's a bunch of business calls about the company and things involving finances. Your family owns a line of different things and you run the business aspects of it all. You make the meetings, you arrange the deals, the businesses will not function without you there. It's selfish but you've used all of it to find Sally. Everyone told you to give up on your search but you refuse every single time. You're not going to give up, no matter how crazy you might seem.

Once business is settled you get started on all of the unpacking you need to do. It's not a lot, just the basics as you travelled so much you never kept very many things with you. They usually just got sold or given away once you don't need it anymore. You fill your living room with pictures of Sally and then random art you've collected over the years. The living room feels more homey now that the walls are no longer bare. It takes you a couple days to get unpacked but you're satisfied once you are. You ordered everything you'd be needing so you could really make this place a permanent home.

You grab the empty boxes and put them in your truck. You have a car and a truck in the garage. Both are needed. You take the boxes to the dump a little ways out of town. You toss your boxes into the trash and go to climb back into your truck when you suddenly see a flash of pink.

"Hello?" You call, searching the road and trees for what you saw. "Sally?"

Your heart pounds hard in your chest when you spot a lone figure in pink deep in the forest. You blink your eyes and it's gone as fast as it came. You climb into the truck and continue to scan the trees on your way home. Was it her? Have I somehow finally found her?! An excited smile stretches across your lips at the thought, feeling absolutely thrilled. You hop out of the truck when you get home, heading inside your home. You search through your things for a journey into the woods. You intend to go camping a while. It's makes it easier to scope things out within the trees.

Once you're packed with all of your camping gear you head to bed for the night. You're exhausted from packing so you want an extra day to rest and relax. When you get up in the morning you take everything you packed and leave your house, walking across the backyard and to the trees. You pause when you reach the outskirts, looking around. These woods set you on edge and you're not sure why but you're careful to still be cautious. Scariest thing in the forest is you as animals will likely want to avoid you. You find a nice clearing after a while of walking and set up camp. You intend to do this for a couple of days.

You look through the map on your phone to see the area you're in but you keep getting a frozen phone. A frown comes to your lips as you try resetting it when it suddenly shocks you and turns off.

"Ow! Motherfucker!" You curse as you shake the pain out of your hand.

You touch the phone with your shoe but it doesn't react. You slowly pick it up and look it over, thankful the screen didn't crack. That was weird though. You set your phone in your tent and grab your gps, trying to turn it on as well. When it fails to turn on you resort to using the map. Hey, you came prepared. After doing this for so long you know equipment can get faulty. Maybe the trees are messing with the signals or something along those lines. You take out the map and find where you are before you take off into the trees. You figure that if she's here you're bound to see her again! When you see her again you can track her!

You even keep an eye out for tracks or even some thread or something that could have fallen off her dress. You spend most of the day searching and by the time night falls you're back at your campsite. You sigh as you sit down, having had no luck today. You decide to settle down with some hotdogs for dinner cooked over your fire. Your mind wanders as you're eating, your mind going back to Sally. A smile comes to your lips as you imagine her with you right now. She's always loved camping, just like her mom. Sally is pretty much your mini me! Most people say her eyes are green but around her pupil she has a bit of brown and gold. That's why you always sang the same song to her.

The day she was born you fell in love. You were in the middle of a divorce with your ex-husband who wanted almost nothing to do with her. So, you became a single mother. You stayed that way a while until your ex demanded custody rights to Sally. The court ruled in his favor since he has a steady job and a wife. They figured Sally would be safe. The weeks dropped to weekends and he even stopped picking her up altogether. His family made a surprise visit and he demanded Sally be there. However, he never mentioned his family was there and you know it's because he's aware you hate his family. Had you known Sally wouldn't have stepped foot in that house.

His desire to have her over came at a good time because you were needing to travel for work. You figured she'd be safe with her dad and you made sure she had anything and everything she needed while you were gone. You needed to leave a day early and Sally agreed with a promise of getting your nails done together once you got back. You flew overseas like you needed and attended your meeting. You all went over deals and various things about the company. Once things were settled for the day you were more than ready to video chat with your daughter!

"Y/N!" Your father called, swallowing your groan as you turn to him with a smile.

"Dad! Hi! Long time no see," You laughed awkwardly.

"I wanted to congratulate you. You are bringing in the most profits," He said with a grin. "I'm so proud of you. I'm glad I handed business matters to you."

"Thank you dad. Just doing my job," You told him.

"We're taking everyone to dinner. You should come," He told you, lowering his voice. "It'll be rude if you don't."

"O-Of course," You laughed awkwardly. "Let me make a quick phone call and I'll be down."

You watched him leave before groaning and calling your ex.

"Hello," He answered.

"Hey! Can you tell Sally I'll be late tonight? It shouldn't be more than an hour," You asked him.

"Oh....uhm," He paused, a frown coming to your lips.

"What? What is it?" You hissed into the phone.

"Sally's dead. They just found her body." He told you.

You felt like you were hit with a truck, your knees buckling as you cover your mouth. No! No! It's not true! It's not true!

"Tell me you're lying!" You screamed into the phone. "TELL ME YOU'RE LYING!"

"No I'm not," He barked back. "She's dead and there's nothing any of us can do about it."

You couldn't believe it. You refused to admit it was true. You said screw the business and flew home. You found out the police somehow lost her body and you wanted to find it. You searched through the site for anything you might have missed. You found a piece of red fabric a little ways into the trees and you wondered if it was connected to her body going missing. You swore you saw a glimpse of her. You always get that. Small moments when she's there, just out of reach. So, you traveled. You followed wherever your daughter would take you. Forever chasing an image that you swear is real.


A lot of people have told you you're crazy but you don't care. Your daughter is alive, you know it in your heart. She is alive and you're going to find her. You sigh as you roast your hotdog, your eyes scanning the expanse of the dark trees. What secret are the woods hiding from you? It somehow felt right to suddenly be here. To live here and explore these woods. It feels like you're meant to be here for an important reason, so you would gladly do it. Even if it takes the rest of your life you will find Sally. No matter the cost.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now