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~~Slender's Pov~~

He tenses when he suddenly feels weight against his side, looking down to find you slumped against him and sleeping. Everyone else has already left, Splendor probably figuring you or him would be the one to put Sally to bed. She's still curled up in your lap and your hold on her is nice and secure. Muscle memory is such a nice thing. He turns off the television before standing up and carefully laying you on the couch. He gets Sally off of you and carries her upstairs and to bed. He tucks her in and comes back down to the living room.

He frowns when he notices the distraught look on your face, scooping you into his arms and immediately teleporting both of you to his room. He's thankful for making all of the bedrooms soundproof as you let out a blood curdling scream. He curses when you start thrashing against him, barely managing to get you onto the bed when you're suddenly gasping and sitting upright.

"Whe-? How?" Slender hears you mumble out a bunch of almost incoherent questions before finally stopping your gaze on Slender.

"Hey, it's okay," He tells you, groaning softly when your face goes pale white. "Or not."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," You breathe as you try to scramble off the bed. He teleports in front of you, blocking you from getting off.

"You have no need to apologize. I'm used to nightmares," He offers in hopes of easing a bit of your worry.

"Oh god. You were forced to bring me into your bed because I fell asleep and now I had a nightmare," You gasp out, burying your hands in your hair as your voice cracks from your tears.

Shit. What the hell is he supposed to do or say?! It's his fault you're in his bed. It's his fault you're having traumatizing dreams. It's his fault you almost died.....! It's....HIS fault.

"I can sleep on the couch if that would make you feel better? I'm not taking no for an answer about staying in my bed," He tells you as firmly but hopefully as nicely as he can.

You grow silent and he worries he came on harsher than he meant to. He does the only thing he can think of. He kneels down so he's closer to your height. He gently grasps your cheek in his hand and wipes the tears away, a soft sigh of relief leaving him when you finally look at him. He's mesmerized by your still wet eyes. He can see the hesitation in your gaze but you don't look away. He wonders if you're perhaps trying to come off stronger than you feel. He can practically feel you trembling in his hold.

"I'm sorry," He finally gets out to you, surprised by how much better he feels saying this to you.

"H-Huh?" You question, confused as you look at him.

"For everything. I'm sorry," He repeats. "I jumped to conclusions and never let you explain yourself. I hated you without even knowing you. Our baby girl adores you. She's so much happier with you here. I'm sorry for treating you the way I have."

"I....thank you," You breathe, Slender just as relieved as you are when you finally relax. "I've always told myself it could have gone differently. If I hadn't done this or that things would have been different but I can't take it back. I can't do it over again."

"There will always be regrets but now? Now you can love her all over again. You can keep being her mom," Slender says, pausing at his own words.

He's giving you the chance to do it all again. To be Sally's mom. He can see your look of surprise and he's surprised as well. He's giving you his permission to stay here. To help him raise Sally. He'll figure something out with Lucifer. He'll figure out how to save your life. There is always a way around these stupid contracts. What did Lucifer say? Romantic love could break the bond. Maybe he should encourage you and Splendor to go on dates? You two seem pretty close so it makes the most sense!

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ