Fun Together

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"Ah ha! We win! Hand it over!" Clockwork grins, earning a groan from you and Jane.

"You just had to land on the hotels," Jane laughs. "It was a good game."

"I'm so unlucky with my rolls," You laugh with a shake of your head.

"Mommy! Want to have a tea party?" Sally asks with a smile as we put up the game. "You can make my favorite tea?"

"I'll do you one better. Tea and cookies. Want to help me make it?" You ask as you get to your feet and stretch. "Thanks for the game everyone."

"I wanna help. I haven't made cookies in forever," Jane says as she gets to her feet as well. "If you'll have me? Plus, I'd like to take some home and surprise Mary."

"Of course! The more the merrier!" You assure her. "I love having help in the kitchen."

Clockwork and Nina follow all of you into the kitchen as well, the rest of the girls following after all of you. You show the girls how you make the cookies, all of you laughing together as you all get coated in flour. You scream and laugh when Sally throws flour onto you and an all out war breaks out. You're all laughing as you all throw flour. You're all laughing messes by the time the cookies are all done.

"We need to clean up!" Sally giggles as you all look at your mess in the kitchen.

"Guess we got a little out of hand," You admit. "Alright, I'll get it taken care of."

"We can help," Jane says. "We all made the mess."

"Agreed," Clockwork says. "It's a big kitchen. We can't expect you to clean it all by yourself."

"Thanks," You say with an embarrassed smile. "Guess I'm not used to....other people helping me."

"We got this mommy!" Sally cheers.

All of you get the kitchen cleaned up while the last of the cookies bake. Jane turns on music and you all dance and have fun.

~~Slender's Pov~~

He frowns when he hears the commotion from downstairs. Geez, what in the world are they all up to? Maybe they finally killed off the human and were celebrating. He chuckles at the thought but then sighs, knowing that was way too good to be true. He'd never get that lucky. He closes his laptop and gets up from his desk before heading downstairs to check up on the commotion. The boys are all rather quiet as they do their various things, the noise coming from the kitchen catching his attention. He heads to the doorway and pauses a moment, amazed at how clean everything was along with the smell of homemade cookies. The girls are all turned away from him and laughing, some flour still covering them.

"Did you douse my kitchen in flour?" He asks, chuckling when everyone looks at him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," You say with a confident smile. "Just all over us."

"Really? So you cleaned the kitchen on a whim?" He challenges.

"Absolutely. Right?" You ask the others who nod.

"We're the last ones cooking so we cleaned up," Jane explains. "We just got flour all over ourselves."

"Mhmmm! We look like ghosts. Ooooo!" Sally giggles while wiggling her fingers.

"Is this ghost still wanting a tea party?" Slender asks. "You made quite the number of cookies."

"It's just girls having a tea party but the boys can help themselves to cookies," Sally declares firmly. "Sorry daddy."

He draws back in surprise at Sally's words, at a complete loss for what to say. Sally has never disinvited him from a tea party! He grits his teeth as he glances at the human. Are you trying to turn Sally against him?! Make Sally spend as much time with you as possible so you can try taking her away! A low growl erupts from his throat and you're the only one who notices, everyone else having dispersed to collect items for the tea party.

"It would be okay if Slender joined us," You say hesitantly.

"Boo! No way! He didn't help make cookies or tea!" Jane pipes up. "Sorry Slender."

"Better luck next time!" Clockwork chirps. "Boys! We made cookies!"

Slender is caught off guard when you give him an apologetic look, frozen in shock as the girls disperse the kitchen and the boys make their way in for fresh cookies.

"Woah! These are amazing!" Jeff is the first to remark. "Slender, she might be giving you a run for your money."

"I've spent thousands of years perfecting my cookies. No one can make them as well as I except Splendor," He declares, snatching a cookie with his tendril and biting into it.

He so badly wants to spit it back out just as a way to spite you but he gets a feeling that would be a very wrong move. He sighs and chews it thoughtfully. Hmm, the human does have a knack for baking. Maybe he could put his recipe together with yours. Make the ultima- WAIT! NO, NO, NO! Bad Slender! You are a pain in his existence right now! He is so not giving you any credit for anything. Humans are bad. You're here temporarily until he can figure out what the hell to do with you.

"Girl trouble brother?" Offender's smooth voice purrs as his arm wraps around Slender.

"No," He growls out. "If you three still had your mansions I'd just send here there but clearly that's a bust."

"Oh? If you can't deal with her I'll take her off your hands," He offers with a sly grin.

"As much as I'd love to say yes not at the moment with Sally around. I'm figuring out the best way to do it," He huffs. "It's hard with her winning creatures over with pastries."

"Hmm," Offender hums, removing his arm and walking to the counter for a cookie.

"Well?" Slender asks him.

"You're right. It's hopeless," Offender says with a snicker. "You better do it soon or else no one will want to get rid of her."

"Wait, I have an idea," Slender tells his brother. "I'm just gonna offer her up to the demons. It's not like she'll find this place ever again and it's an easy excuse as to why she's dead. I'll just 'lose' her in the woods and bam. Lost and devoured by demons!"

"That's pretty cruel," Offender tells his brother with a frown. "I was just teasing. I've heard nothing but good things about her. Is it really that bad that she's here?"

"Go find out for yourself," He growls at his brother, snatching a few more cookies before teleporting back to his office.

It's the perfect plan. Sally will be upset but he'll be there for her like always. She'll need him again and not the stupid human.

~~Offendor's Pov~~

He frowns at his brothers words before shrugging his shoulders and eating more cookies before he searches for which room the girls are in. He actually finds all of you in the ballroom instead of Sally's room, chuckling when he realizes all girls had joined. He searches the faces until he finds yours, a frown tugging at his lips. What does Slender have against you? Hmm, he'll have to find out your intentions just to be sure you're really supposed to be here.

"Hiya pretty ladies. Mind if I crash?" He grins as he makes himself known, earning groans from the girls.

"No! Girls only!" Sally huffs. "I even wrote it on the door!"

"I just wanted to say hi to our guest," He whines softly at Sally.

"Hi," You smile, giving him a small wave.

"Bye bye Uncle Offendy," Sally says, motioning her hands to shoo him away. "Girls only."

"Pardon me then," Offender chuckles, teleporting behind you and grabbing you by the shoulders.

"Hey! Mommy!" Sally cries before he disappears with you.

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