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~~Your POV~~

You glare right at Slender as he freezes from your words and you know you have him rattled. He clearly doesn't get people who defy him very often.

"Have fun rotting," He growls before he disappears.

"Have fun rotting," You retort despite him not being there to hear it.

You look around the cell that you're in as you work to get out of the ropes. You've picked up a few tips and tricks over the past ten years. You finally get the rope off and stretch with a groan. You have no idea what the deal with this creature is. Why does he care so much about the song you're singing? You saw no reason as to why you had to reveal something so private to a complete to a strange being who's officially kidnapped you. You don't know what the big deal is. Unless....he knows something about Sally! Your eyes widen at the realization, a new hope bubbling in your chest.

You're not sure how long you spend locked up. You've tried just about everything to get out but that creature is very well prepared to keep prisoners. Eventually, he comes back down to face you.

"How do YOU know the song?" You ask him, smirking when he actually seems taken aback. "It's only fair I ask the same thing isn't it?"

"What are you playing at?" Slender snarls, getting right to against the bars of your cell.

"There are only a few people who know that song. Who did you hear it from?" You ask, stepping up to the bars. "It's only fair."

"You first," He hisses, leaning down so you're both face to face.

"I'm the one who made the song," You hiss at him. "Now! Who did YOU hear it from?!" 

You watch him pull back, knowing full well he's gloating even if you can't see it. Your face falls as you realize he's just going to leave you without an answer.

"Wait! Please wait! Sally. Did you hear it from Sally?" You ask, practically begging before him.

"No," He growls darkly as he pulls back.

"You liar! She's the only one who knows it! Where's my baby girl jackass?! Why did you steal her away?!" You demand, trying to reach Slender through the bars. "Please! I've looked for so long! Just tell me she's okay. I beg of you. Tell me she's okay."

"She's fine. No thanks to you," He spits before leaving you alone with only your thoughts for company.

~~Slender's Pov~~

"Sally doesn't even remember her! What's the point in letting them see each other?" Slender demands of his brothers who have gathered in his office with him.

"I don't know. I think we should do it for the human's sake," Splendor says. "She's searched a long time. Just show her Sally is safe and send her on her way. I doubt she'll return."

"Bad idea. It could make Sally remember bad thoughts as well. Who knows how long the sexual abuse went on. She could remember all of that too," Offender points out. "I vote kill the woman."

"Actually, that was the first ever report of it. It was a one and done thing because her mom was gone and her dad just didn't care. Sally was really happy with her," Trender argues. "It could be a good thing."

"I don't want to risk Sally having bad memories either," Slender replies as he paces back and forth. "I'm all for killing her. Sally never has to know. Just bury it."

"I don't like this," Trender mumbles softly. "Seems really cruel to me. Plus, that's seriously breaking Sally's trust."

"Not if she never finds out," Offender points out. "It's not like any of us are going to tell her. Right?"

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin