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~~Sally's Pov~~

She stares at Uncle Splendy when he answers her question. She unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs into the front seat, wrapping her arms around you and giving you a tight hug.

"I don't want to lose you again," She whispers softly.

She just got you back! She just got you back and now you're being taken away from her! Is this how you felt when she was taken away from you. It hurts to think about and she hates the way she feels. She can feel mommy's assurance through her squeezing gently. Usually these hugs make her feel like everything will be okay but not this time. Zalgo was killing her mom and she isn't strong enough to stop him. She's not strong enough to take him down!

"It'll be okay," You breathe out to Sally. "We're going to make the most of the time I have left."

Sally breaks down at those words, Splendor silent as he lets you comfort Sally. You're able to get her calmed down, gently singing her song to her.

"I fell astray, but I am bone & blood
And I am bound by love to your hazel eyes
I fell astray, but in you, I have found
That I am ever bound to your hazel eyes."

It helps calm her but she insists on riding in your lap the rest of the way to the mansion. You hold her securely and she feels safe. She feels as safe in your arms as daddy's arms. You both help her and calm her down. She doesn't understand why daddy doesn't like you! You've done nothing wrong! She listens to you softly repeat the song and she relaxes in your hold. She hated Zalgo. Why does he have to ruin everything?!

"I got groceries. You and Sally go ahead," Uncle Splendy insists. "I've got tendrils after all."

"Should we go see if people want to watch a movie?" You ask her.

Her eyes light up with excitement as she grins at you.

"Yes!" She cheers.

You laugh and she hugs you again as you hold her, staying as close to you as possible. Even when you both enter the mansion she refuses to let go of you. She needs to remember how your hugs feel. She needs to engrain them so deep in her mind she'll never forget them. She sighs softly against you when you sit down after walking into the living room.

"Want to just stay like this a while?" Mommy asks her gently.

"Yes please," She whispers, her voice shaking slightly.

"Don't worry. I got you baby girl," You coo gently, her arms tightening around your neck.

~~Slender's Pov~~

He heads downstairs once it's time to get a start on dinner and to help put away groceries since you guys should be here now. He pauses when he reaches the living room and sees you hugging Sally. Had something happened? He looks at the door when it comes open, his brother shooting him a glare. What did he do now?! He follows Splendor into the kitchen to question him.

"What happened?" Slender asks.

"Zalgo's fucking with her mind! She thought she saw Jeff hurt despite him being here at the mansion all day so she tried running off after it. She jumped out of a moving truck!" Splendor barks at his brother. "If she's not in the vicinity of the mansion he can mess with her head. You heard what Lucifer said. If she comes into contact with him it makes the imprint more powerful!"

"We'll just have someone watch her at all times," Slender tells him. "Make sure she doesn't try to do anything."

"How can you be so casual about this?! You've given her a death sentence Slender! Are you happy now? You got what you wanted and now your little girl is trying to remember every little detail of Y/N because she knows she's losing her mother," Splendor hisses.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora