|Chapter 2|

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Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:

The scout's somber expression said more than words ever could.

His gaze faltered for a moment before he took a deep breath, readying himself to deliver the devastating news that would forever alter (Y/N)'s world.

But before he could utter a single word, a solemn caw sliced through the air, and the Kasugai crow perched nearby interrupted with its mournful announcement.

"(Y/N), Kyojuro Rengoku has passed away on the Mugen Train," it cawed, its words carrying the weight of a heartbreaking truth.

(Y/N) stood frozen, her heart seeming to halt for a moment. Disbelief washed over her like a tidal wave as her mind struggled to comprehend the unthinkable.

Kyojuro, the love of her life, her partner, the father of her children, gone? It couldn't be real.

It was a cruel joke, a nightmare she wished to wake up from.

The world around her seemed to blur, the edges of her vision hazy as her thoughts raced.

She turned away from the crow, her gaze locked on the distance, as if searching for a reality that made more sense. Her mind refused to accept what had been said.

With trembling lips, she turned back to the scout, desperation etched across her features. "You're kidding... Right? ...There's no way, I refuse to believe it." Her voice was barely a whisper, thick with emotion.

The scout's eyes were heavy with sorrow as he met (Y/N)'s gaze.

He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eye for too long, the weight of the truth almost too much to bear. With a heavy nod, he confirmed what the Kasugai crow had announced.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry," he managed to say, his voice laced with grief.

(Y/N)'s world had shattered into a million pieces, and the weight of the news threatened to crush her spirit.

But as the reality of her husband's absence sunk in, a defiant fire kindled within her. She couldn't allow herself to believe it, not even for a fleeting moment.

With a determined shake of her head, she pushed back against the waves of sorrow threatening to engulf her.

"No," she whispered to herself, her voice carrying a fierce determination. "It can't be true. It's Kyojuro Rengoku we're talking about. He's not someone who can just be taken away like that."

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