|Chapter 7|

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Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

"You already know her, but I'm giving her a grand introduction anyway. Tomioka-San, meet (Y/N) Rengoku."

As (Y/N) stepped into the room, Giyu's gaze remained fixed on her, his emotions swirling beneath the surface.

He watched as she exchanged a nod with Shinobu, a sense of professionalism settling over the scene.

When (Y/N) turned her attention towards him, her warm smile only heightened the complexity of his feelings.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N) Rengoku," she introduced herself, her tone warm and friendly. "I've been assigned as your physical therapist. I hope we can work well together."

Giyu's initial response was one of stunned silence. He had not expected (Y/N) to be the one tasked with aiding in his recovery, and the sudden twist of fate left him feeling disoriented.

As he grappled with his emotions, Giyu found himself immersed in a sea of conflicting thoughts.

Memories of Kyojuro and the bond they had shared surged to the forefront of his mind, and the proximity of Kyojuro's wife stirred a mixture of emotions that he struggled to define.

Giyu's stoic exterior remained intact as he fought to suppress the turmoil within him.

He coughed slightly, his gaze momentarily averting from (Y/N)'s as he mustered a response. "Thank you," he managed to say, his tone measured and polite.

Shinobu's smile remained encouraging as she interjected, her voice carrying a note of authority. "Tomioka-San, I want you to follow (Y/N)'s instructions without hesitation. Your recovery is our priority."

With a subtle nod, Shinobu took her leave, leaving (Y/N) and Giyu alone in the room.

The air seemed to thicken with a newfound tension, the weight of unspoken thoughts lingering between them.

Giyu attempted to stand, his body tensing as he fought through the pain. A jolt of agony shot through him, and he winced, his breath catching.

It was as if his body was rebelling against his determination to maintain his composure.

(Y/N) was by his side in an instant, her concern evident in her gaze. "Giyu-san, don't push yourself," she said gently, her voice a soothing presence amidst the discomfort.

Giyu's resolve remained steadfast, his jaw clenched as he struggled to regain control over his body. He straightened, his movements stiff but determined.

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