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Over the years, I've heard the same thing: "I've never been in love, so I can't write romance." That's highly untrue! Did Christopher Paolini ever fly on the back of a dragon? Did JK Rowling ever fight a wizard duel? Did Stephenie Meyer ever have a one night stand with a disco ball? NO! That's the greatest thing about writing--you never had to experience the plot of your book for you to write about it. The same goes for romance.

But I admit, romance might be a little trickier because while Paolini never flew on a dragon, neither did anyone else. But most people have been in love, so if someone who's never been in love tries to write a romance and does so unrealistically, people will be able to tell.

So this how-to is actually not going to be me teaching you about love, because, well, I've never had more than a crush on anyone ever before (unless you want to count Cleon and Darren, but I don't think you do :P) This how-to will be an open forum where YOU lucky people who've been in love answer this question:

What is love?

Okay, a few more questions: What does love feel like? How do you know you're in love? How do you know you've fallen out of love? What's the difference between love and lust/infatuation/admiration?

Post your thoughts in the comments! If you're stumped about romance like me, feel free to post your own questions and discuss with others.

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