Chapter 41: No More Lies & Hidden Feelings

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Obi-wan had been sceptical ever since Anakin had told him those words. Eventually, he figured out that he had been spied upon all this time and that Dooku knew who he truly was. Upon realizing the plan, two names popped into his mind as dread wrapped around his heart.


He had wasted no time to head their direction and although the palace was long, he was willing to search all of it. Thankfully for him, though, he did not have to follow his original plan for just as he entered through; he sensed it.

The disturbance in the force, the darkness that threatened to be unleashed from the chains it was forced so long ago. Worse, was the fact that there was a force signature in the centre of it and he felt the tugging coming from his own heart.

Ignoring the sharp and acute pain, he pushed his body to sprint like he had never sprinted before, for he knew that Sheira was in trouble. Last time, he had almost come too late to save her from the clutches of Dooku but he refused to repeat the same mistake.

He followed her signature, the darkness still present although seemed to have been weakened. For a moment, he feared the worst but upon taking a right turn; he saw everything.

Anakin was on the ground and Sheira had just managed to stop dozen pieces of glass from harming him. She let them fall to the ground, her shoulders falling forward in mild exhaustion.

"Sheira!" he shouted and while his voice was still disguised, it seemed to work on her.

Whatever darkness had threatened to take over her soul, whatever dark cloud had formed above her disappeared the moment she heard her name being called. The closer Obi-wan came to her, the faster the darkness was pushed back by his light and bright aura.

"Obi-wan?" she questioned as she turned, watching him sprinting their way and her voice did not hide her relief to see him.

However, at that moment, it was not the right time for any reunions or breaks. Dooku was escaping and he still had the Chancellor in his clutches.

A groan made both of them to focus on their fallen comrade, who was slowly lifting his body. "Anakin" the Miraluka exclaimed as she rushed to his side and helped him to slowly stand.

It was not long before Obi-wan joined her on the other side. "Are you all right?" he asked.

For a moment, Anakin seemed ready to punch him but then accepted his help as he got his lightsaber back. "Come on!"

With a nod of their heads, the power team was back together and they wasted no time to rush after Dooku and save the Chancellor.


Count Dooku was climbing the ramp to his ship while ahead of him, the droid was leading his prisoner forward. Halfway through the ramp, he sensed an incoming attack and without even turning, he brought his lightsaber to the back and blocked Anakin's blue blade.

He turned and pushed him back, only for Sheira to come up from behind her friend and attack him. While still led by anger, her mind was clearer and he did not hide his disappointment. She had such potential to be a very good dark apprentice.

He blocked her attacks and kept his ground as the two of them kept attacking him. Both were tired from releasing all their anger before and taking damage from his attacks but were stubborn. As part of the subconscious plan, they kept him occupied as Obi-Wan took down the droid and then managed to grab Chancellor Palpatine.

He jumped off the ramp as the ship started to take off and Sheira, while eager to finish Dooku took a few steps back. She glanced behind her at Obi-wan and then turned and flipped in the air, before landing by his side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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