Elysium: Date(?)

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Still feeling a bit sleepy, he opened his eyes lazily. He looked around in confusion wondering why he slept so comfortably.

Then he felt a chillly wind swept past his body, his eyes widened in shock as he searched for the covers, they were thrown off to the side!

"No wait, why am I reacting so intensely, haha."

He chuckled at his own reaction. It was indeed quite funny. He shook his head and decided to check his Status Panel.

[Status Panel]
[Name: Juviel Zraks]
[Age: 16]
[Ability: Abscond(SSS+)]
[Abilities/Talents/Skills Borrowed: Gaming Mastery(S+)]
[Current Condition: Healthy.]
[Current Salvation Points: 200,772.]

He clicked his tongue after seeing the Points. How much was required to level up or upgrade his ability?

The System heard his inner question and popped up the Salvation Shop screen. It was was yellow coloured with black fonts. He looked at the screen with interest.

[Salvation Shop]

[Abscond(SSS+) - Level 0+1 = 1,000,000,000 Salvation Points.

Gaming Mastery(S+) - Level 0+1 = 100,000 Salvation Points.]

[P.S. User can upgrade an ability/skill/talent when it reaches Level 10.]

His eyes widened in shock. What the actual fuck? It's a scam!!! Leveling it upto 1 equals that much already!? How the fuck can he even get that much!?

The System had heard his complaints, but, it couldn't say much. Afterall, Level 0 Abscond is already amazing.

He sighed and looked at the Gaming Ability he borrowed. He had a question regarding that. If he levels it up and then the time limit is hit, what would happen to the Ability?

The System responded almost instantaneously,

[User, it will be refunded with 25% of the Ability's original value. The System will be taking the remaining 75%, thank you very much.]

His lips twitched, damn, this horny bastard sure was shameless huh. But he couldn't retort either, afterall he was also shamelessly borrowing people's abilities without telling them.

"Is that so... What about the ones with Indefinite Time?"

The System replied with it's usual light but cold female voice.

[It is completely upto the User to Refund those or not. Reminder, the Refund only works once per ability/skill/talent. Afterwards, all the Salvation Points will be taken by the System. The User will not gain anything from Refunds.]

His mouth almost fell to floor due to shock. What the hell!!! This is daylight robbery!! Theft!!

He was about to question the System once more, however he stopped as he heard some light knocking on his door.

He stood up and covered himself up with the bedsheets, although he was currently 16, his body generally made people think he was 21 instead. He was tall and didn't look immature at all.

Of course, his actual age was 21. His Identity was aged 16. Furthermore, he also regularly worked out in his previous world. So he had detailed abs and broad shoulders. He wasn't too buff, but he wasn't too slim either. He liked it that way so he didn't mind.

As for the morning dragon below, he was hiding it well, so whoever the person knocking his door was, they wouldn't be able to see it.

He shook his head and reached towards the door and slid open a tiny bit open, then peeked out. Turns out it was Fu Hua, she seems to have come with a blue shirt and some light blue jeans.

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