Elysium: Dangers Lurking Everywhere

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Even the largest Goldenfur Monstrous Rat King was panicked. It rammed the closest zombie down to the floor, forcing it to release the latter to release the rat that it was chomping on.

Without any hesitation, the rat king bit down on the zombie’s bone with a loud cracking sound. Before long, the zombie had already lost several of its fingers.

The zombie tried to climb to its feet, but crushed under the weight of the rat king, its attempts were futile.

“Jip jip jip!” The rat king squeaked furiously at the zombie, possibly trying to brag or utter words of justice for its deceased comrades.

Its squeaks were reciprocated by a resounding thwack on its head.


Another zombie swung a wooden bat in its hand, sending the Goldenfur Monstrous Rat King flying for several meters before finally crashing back down on the ground.


The infuriated rat king arched its back and directed the golden fur behind its head right at the zombie.

“Holy shit!” Juviel was alarmed. The rat king was clearly far stronger than its companions—its thorns were a meter long, and every single one of them was shining with a golden lustre. They looked just like javelins.

Shoosh shoosh shoosh!

The thorns shot out a speed far faster than a slow zombie could dodge. It was struck squarely by the thorns, and the sheer impact pinned it onto a cliff face.

“Jip jip!”

The Goldenfur Monstrous Rat King squeaked in glee. It had returned the favor for the earlier bat to its head.

Fu Hua remarked with a bit of surprise, “If those thorns were to strike us, it would be difficult to deal with them!”

Juviel nodded in agreement. He wasn’t too familiar with the power level classification of ferocious beasts in this world, but the Goldenfur Monstrous Rat King seemed to be around the strength of one of those ape-like Honkai minions.

He wasn’t confident of defeating the rat king in a direct battle without relying on his cheats such as Poisonous Prick or Fu Hua's abilities.

“Juviel, something strange is going on over there!” exclaimed Fu Hua. Her voice was a bit unsteady as she pointed her finger in a certain direction.

Juviel quickly looked over, only to see the zombie that had been pinned to the cliff face had started moving. It lowered its head to glance at its chest, causing its eyeballs to pop out a little from its face. It felt almost like a literal expression of horror.

Then, it stretched its hand forth and began plucking the thorns out of its body. There was no splattering of blood; there was just a mysterious dense fluid flowing out a little.

Juviel's lips twitched. It was fortunate that he didn’t eat too much earlier, or else he might have just retched at this sight.

As for Fu Hua, she had already closed her eyes, not wanting to look any longer. However, her senses were superhuman to begin with, so she could still hear the audio with spectacular quality. She could only meditate..

The zombie plucked off all of the thorns before charging toward the Goldenfur Monstrous Rat King once more with the bat in its hand.


The fur on the rat king pricked up, but it was not out of aggression but fear. It had already resorted to its strongest move, but its enemy remained completely fine despite being struck by it squarely. How could it possibly fight against an opponent like this?!

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