Elysium: Miss RagingStorm's Important Mission

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Afternoon, 02:36PM

Yae Sakura's blue eyes looked at the screen unblinking. Her younger sister had stabilised and was curious as to what Yae was doing, so she tried to peek.

But Yae, as an above average Assassin, noticed her movement. Yae smiled and put her phone back. Rin pouted in annoyance, she wanted to say she was already near death so why was she hiding things!? But the last time she did that, she had gotten a scolding that very night.

Due to the scolding, she felt guilty that night and couldn't sleep well. She hadn't expected to hear Yae sobbing later on. Although it had been very silent, the house was empty besides the two of them. So at night it's possible to hear even a pin drop, what more someone crying..

I'm so sorry onee-chan.. Rin's heart was filled with anguish and self-blame. She even had the thoughts of dying earlier to lighten her sister's burdens.

That was before Yae had started training as an assassin so she was unaware of any of that. By finishing the tasks given by them, she had managed to save up 50,000 silver! This was why also she could stop Rin's condition from worsening.. However, she knew one thing. As long as she finishes this mission, she can finally treat Rin!

She recalled the details of the mission as her eyes flashed with determination.

“[Target: Francus Malburdo Ehnucht, Finance Minister of Berlin.

Characteristics: Black hair with a bald spot in the middle, black eyes with dark circles as if he hadn't slept in ages, fat belly and tanned skin.

Francus has been secretly poaching people from the army and illegally importing products of unknown origin. We have confirmed that Francus intends to start a rebellion and take over Berlin plus Australia as a whole whilst it was weak.

Francus also has been purchasing slaves from the darkweb, particularly pretty girls below 15.

The one issuing this request wanted anonymity, and we respect their wishes so their identity will not be revealed.]”

Yae's eyes twitched as she recalled the part about slaves. She didn't want to imagine it but quite obviously, the man was doing very sus things.

She shook her head, one of her principles was to not judge things too early. So without any hesitation, after she put Rin to sleep, she immediately took out her passport and visa.

However, her phone vibrated right at that moment. She didn't get annoyed and simply checked whilst mumbling under her breath,

“What timing..”

Lo behold, her eyes widened as she saw that it was a message from No.2Assassin, but that wasn't the whole reason why she was so shocked. The actual reason was due to the contents of it! The message was the following:

“[Sire has taken a liking to you, Miss RagingStorm. The Sire commanded me to provide you with everything you require to finish this mission, as such, I will be accompanying you on this mission as well.]”

Wait wait wait!!

It was one shock after another!! The first sentence alone was shocking! The second sentence directly made her ecstatic, hey, isn't this mission guaranteed now?

She almost giggled in joy but quickly held back in fear of waking up Rin. After taking multiple deep breaths, she managed to calm down and replied with bated breaths.

“[Thank you! Sire is amazing and gracious! Um, it's my first time doing such a big operational mission.. Could you tell me what is the most important thing I will need?]”

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