Elysium: Another Legendary Drop? No.. What The Heck Is This!?

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“To sum it up... There were 14 Herrschers, with each one being stronger than the previous, right?”

Fu Hua nodded, in fact, she wouldn't have told him all of this as this sort of information would have just sent a normal person into a panic. Especially the Binding and Finality.

But she understood that someone who can hide from the Laws of Space-Time would be no pushover. Instead, he may very well be the hope for humanity.

As expected, although his expression was grim for a few seconds, he quickly calmed down. So the world was supposed to end around 5 years later, we will see! It seems I have to stop lazing around now, time to get serious.. Meaning, time to focus wholly on defeating Honkai.

He still had many questions to ask her too.

“You haven't told me any of your companion’s names, besides Elysia. Why's that?”

Fu Hua was also puzzled, no matter what she did, she could not tell him the names of any significant person from the Previous Era. It was as if a mysterious force was preventing her from saying their names.

Right then, a screen popped up infront of his eyes, with big red letters in bold.

[Warning. Once I allow the User to hear those names, the hiding cost of that information, from both Space-Time and Honkai God, will skyrocket.

From 14,000 per minute to 140,000 per second. User, you cannot afford it.]

His eyes twitched, the System just politely called him a poor person. Either way, he figured out why, it seemed that the information was too vital, so much that if he knew, he could single-handedly change the fate of this world.

“I know why now, but it's something that can be dealt with later. From what you have told me, this Final Herrscher was bigger than this world and had access to all the Herrschers’ powers.. Than how did you survive against the monstrosity known as The End?”

Fu Hua sighed as she recalled that day, they were fighting a losing battle that day. Had it not been for the combined efforts of Dr MEI and Kevin, none of humanity would have lived to see the day again. Knowing she couldn't mention either of their names, she carefully articulated the answer.

“Two of my companions joined together to stun her for 12 hours. During that time period, the survivors went into cryogenic pods until the Final Herrscher left.”

Hearing that, he was once again deeply impressed by the prowess of this Herrscher. Furthermore, it only made him more interested in getting to know Fu Hua's companions in the future. He glanced towards his remaining Salvation Points and decided to stop questioning for now.

[Remaining Salvation Points: 53]

His heart bled at that sight, a meagre 53 left out of 224k, no, 3 million!!

Fu Hua noticed his pain and was confused, was he that much of a detective? Wanting to know about the mystery of her companions so badly.. She was still there, couldn't he just ask more about her instead?

She shook her head at that thought, this kind of thought must have arised due to seeing him being so intimate with my past self.. Wait.

“Wait, why are you so intimate with my past self?”

Juviel had already put the matter of spending his Salvation Points to the back of his mind, and regained his composure. So he chuckled and replied playfully,

“She's my fiancé, my girl. Who else would I be intimate with if not her?”

Fu Hua was stunned, she didn't recall such a thing! But then again, he entered the past with the objective of finding Elysia.. So it might have been a coincidence. Even though there wasn't an issue, she was still unhappy.

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