Elysium: Ao Tuo.. And Is That You, Yae!?

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“I am Ao Tuo, the Emperor of this world, what is your name?”

Juviel wasn't too surprised about this man's status, what surprised him was his disposition. One must know that this man stood at the peak of this world, yet he was still not arrogant. He knew that Ao Tuo was trying to see who he was and also setting apart clear boundaries.

He pondered on what to tell the man,

“I'm just a normal human? No, that would place me in a more difficult position in negotiation.. A mixed race human? How will I explain to him what Honkai is? User of the Salvation System? I'm pretty positive the System should remain as my biggest secret.

Ignoring everything else.. The best identity right now was..”

“Juviel Zraks.. I am an Emanator Of Preservation.”

Ao Tuo raised an eyebrow at the mention, quite clearly he hadn't heard of that term before. But he didn't look too surprised, of course, what would you expect to hear from an alien, something unexpected obviously. So he wasn't too surprised.

“What is this.. Preservation?”

While giving out information regarding his identity as an Emanator could lead to a huge amount of trouble, this place didn't seem too knowledgeable regarding Paths. Juviel thought back to the description given by the System and found out.. That the System basically told him nothing in regards to the abilities of Qlipoth!!

“Hm.. From what the System said, this is one of the most tenacious Aeons and one of the oldest. Plus the followers of this Path are defensive and admire sacrifice..

Hm.. Adding onto that, within this Aeon's achievements include the creation of the Subspace Crystalline Barrier.. So it is safe to assume this Aeon specialises in defense.”

Juviel was the weaker one in this negotiation, so the only way he could stabilise it is by introducing his backer; Qlipoth. It would allow him to gain an equal footing with this man later on anyways, this reducing the risks on his life.

“The Preservation.. Qlipoth. THEY possess the highest defensive prowess in existence, creator of the Subspace Crystalline Barrier and preventing the destruction of the universe.”

Of course, the last line was just his random guess. Apparently it was to protect mortals against some sort of enemy? Whatever, the effect that he intended worked as the man's expression changed vividly.

“The universe.. I wish to explore it. Forgive me for being nosy, but do tell, what does an Emanator of Preservation represent.”

Juviel fell silent, why? He didn't know sht either, he became one just a few days ago! He sighed and sorted out all the info he had in his mind, this was to ensure his bullsht sounded legit.

“We represent the Preservation's will to protect the universe from harm. You could say we are the second-in-command.”

Ao Tuo nodded in satisfaction, and Juviel, upon seeing that, was very happy inwardly. That was because he managed to bullsht his way out.

“Now if you may, your Highness, allow me to rest.”

Ao Tuo glanced at him and didn't speak for a good 5 seconds, causing the place to become silent. While the silence was unnerving, Juviel knew better than to break it before this man did.

Thankfully the awkward silence didn't last too long as Ao Tuo smiled and raised his hand. Then proceeded to flick his finger towards Juviel, which sent a small white light right into Juviel's forehead. He was shocked, he couldn't react at all!

He looked towards Ao Tuo warily and asked the System to do a checkup on him.

“No need to be so cautious, what I imparted to you was simply the mainstream language of my world, but you didn't even get a headache or flinch at the sudden information? Impressive.”

The man seemed to have misunderstood as Juviel did not feel any sudden surges of information.

[Ao Tuo's World's Language detected. Would you like to absorb it?]

He looked towards the floating panel which happened to be just infront of Ao Tuo, so it looked as if he was looking at Ao Tuo. Which made his actions a bit less suspicious. Recalling the ancient Chinese culture he once read through, he cupped his hands and did a slight bow before excusing himself.

Ao Tuo bestowed onto him a beautiful maid as a guide, she had.. Pink hair!? Is that you, Yae!? They looked exactly the same! Apart from the Chinese style clothing, everything was the same! Wait, Chinese maids don't wear such revealing clothing!

He decided to ask her some questions, so he absorbed the language. Thankfully it wasn't too much information, so he only flinched a bit. Clearing his throat, he looked towards the rather energetic maid and spoke away.

“You look like someone I know..”

“Wait a minute, doesn't that sound like a pickup line?”

As expected, she froze, not for the reason he thought but because of how fluently he was speaking in their language. She decided to take his sentence at face value rather than focus on any implied meanings.. So she replied curiously.

“Who would that be?”

Juviel thought for a bit, and replied,

“I won't tell you her name.. However she has long pink hair as well as a younger sister, she works under me as an assassin. Other than your clothing, you look exactly like her!”

The maid looked surprised too, because she had a younger sister and her hidden occupation was the leader of the assassination corps under His Majesty. Wasn't that too big of a coincidence?

Being reminded of Yae, he missed her a bit. But that actually reminded him of Nagazora, Fu Hua must be waiting for him.. Feeling a bit more determined, he told the maid to simply guide him to a room and not monitor him.

Whilst she looked troubled by his request, she still allowed him to stay in one room and excused herself.

He looked towards the comfy bed and could barely stop himself from just jumping onto the bed. He decided to take a bath first, afterall he was covered in some sorta spiritual goo from those ghosts as well as stuff from the zombies.. Overall it was just simply nasty.

After bathing, he came out and wore clothing from the Inventory rather than the clothing provided by Ao Tuo. Sighing, he jumped onto the bed and within 5 seconds he was sleeping like a log.

The System sighed,

[Sleep well. You deserve this much after all that.]

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