What A Monster 🥀

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It was the weekend, Sal hadn't been in school for a few days so I'd been worried about him. I asked Larry to show me Sal's apartment, which he did. I knocked on the door, and his father cracked open the door. "H-hi sir I'm Travis. Travis Phelps..Sals friend." Mr. Fisher opened the door all the way and allowed me to come inside.

He pointed to Sal's room to which I nodded at him. I knocked on Sal's door, he let out a quiet "Come in." He sounded like he'd just been crying.

I opened his door and closed it, his arms were covered in ace bandages. "H-holy shit, what happened?" I rushed up to him and caressed his cheek. "I r-relapsed. I'm so sorry.." Sal covered his face, sobbing. I patted his head, trying my best to comfort him. "Hey, hey, it's okay, don't apologize." 

"It's not okay..! None of it is okay..."

I'd never seen Sal so sad, it hurt to see him this sad. "I'm sorry you are going through this, Sal." I sat in front of him and held his hands. "I love you." 

After Sal heard that he broke, he sobbed harder than he had been before. I cupped his cheek as he cried, "Stop.. Just stop." He grabbed my shirt. He let out a whine as he rested his head on my chest. "I'm just so tired. I- I feel like a monster." He rambled, rocking himself back and forth. 

"No, no. You're not a monster. Relapsing is part of recovery, and I'm so proud of you, no matter if you're 1 minute clean or 1 year clean." I grabbed his shoulders and pressed my lips against his. 

Sal pulled away and hugged me, he cried in my arms until he fell asleep. I caressed his hair, specifically his fringe, and kissed his forehead softly. 

"I am so, so proud of you, Sal."

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