New Years Kisses

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A/N; Sorry for the late asf chapter, happy late new years. The characters are around 21+ 

Sals POV:

It was New Year's Eve and I decided I wanted to go out partying it tonight because why the hell not? Even though I wasn't going to drink it'd still be fun right? I knocked on the bedroom door, and once I got permission to come in I walked into said room. Travis was changing, I picked up Gizmo and put him on the bed.

"Morning, Travis." I wrapped my arms around him. He giggled a bit, turning around to wrap his arms back around me, "Good morning, babe." He smiled.

"I think we should go out partying for New Year's Eve." 

"Oh yeah?"


Travis thought for a moment, "Sure why not." 

Neil had left over some breakfast from earlier so Travis and I invited ourselves to eat some of the leftover bacon and waffles for brunch.

After a few hours, we decided to go shopping for our outfits for whatever party we'd go to tonight. We had stopped shopping for a bit to get some food. "'s the paranormal job going?" Travis asked.

"Like the investigation with the with the apartments?"

"Yeah, that." 

"Ehhh~ It's going okay..Not too much is happening"

I take a sip of the drink that I got, "We should probably get home soon, it's getting late, then we can go party 'Kay?" Travis said, I nodded at him. Travis stood up and took my hand in his, leading us to the car. Once we drove home we decided to get ready for the party. 

We went out to a bar that had some random underground band playing but a bunch of people go there at night because it turns into like a club. Travis had a few alcoholic drinks and I just had a soda, I had started to get overstimulated after a while so Travis and I decided to go outside. 

"That's a pretty view," I said.

"Yeah...Wait what time is it?"

"11:38 PM Why?"

Travis took a sip of his beer before speaking once more, "I wanna be your first New Years kiss"

"Dude, I'm not going anywhere, is that why you wanted to stay out so late?"

"I thought that's why we were partying?"

I shrugged, "Oh, I mean- I guess- That wasn't my plan..Ash actually suggested it." Travis nodded at me. "'Course she did." Travis took another sip.

"The fuck does that mean? Are you drunk?"


"Then why are you giving me an attitude?" Since I got to know Travis he told me once that he was an angry drunk and most people in his family were, especially his dad. And I wasn't exactly the best at detecting tones.

"I'm not drunk, I just meant that seems like her. It wasn't anything against you nor Ash."

I shrugged again, brushing it off like nothing happened.  We sat in awkward silence, staring at the sky. 

"I'm not mad at you, Sal."

"You aren't?"

"Of course not."

We sat in silence for a few more minutes before Travis blurted out, "It's 11:59!" I looked over at him. "That fast huh?" I sighed, moving closer to Travis. Travis pulled me closer to him and leaned into me, I leaned back into him. Eventually, our lips touched.

This was the best New Year, I'd ever had.

A/N; Again sorry it was so fucking late, that was not my plan, writers' block is a bitch!! Anyway, happy late New Year, hope you all stay safe and take care of yourselves. 

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