College Hookups 🌺🌸

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A/N; This is an AU where they meet in college instead. Sal uses a face mask rather than a prosthetic. Nothing else changes. Also, Travis is a complete flirt.

I kept seeing this pretty person walking through the halls of my university. I found out they were a dude about a month after I saw them for the first time. Although I was mostly hitting on girls at this point, I was trying to figure out my sexuality, I didn't mind hooking up with a dude. Y'know, like a one-night stand, but perhaps it could be more than that.

I decided to follow him today after we were done with our classes, I assumed we had a similar schedule. Apparently, he lives in the dorms, two floors above me, I knocked on his door. He cracked open the door, he was wearing that same mask he always wears. His eyes were wide as he looked me up and down, "Hey, I- uh saw you walking down the halls, thought you were pretty cute."

"If you're not interested in doing that then maybe we could just talk?"

"Come in."

He opened the door wider and I walked inside, his room was..a mess, not like trash bags everywhere but it was unorganized. "So I wanted to ask, whats up with the mask? If you don't mind me asking." He stopped in his tracks, causing me to lose balance a bit since there was no warning. He turned around, "Whats your name?" His voice was monotone, but he avoided my question.

"Travis, yours?"


"Mind if I sit down?" He shook his head, "Go ahead the couch is right there."

"So are you just going to avoid my question? Or are you just uncomfortable with me asking that?" I asked as he gave me a bottle of water. He hesitated for a moment and took the mask off, revealing scars on his face. I shrugged. His brows furrowed and he sat down next to me, "You really wanna hook up?"

"No, I asked you on a date at 12 in the morning. Of course, I want to hook up."

"Why?" He grabbed his knees, he was clearly tense, "I dunno, you're hot."

"Are you a virgin and just desperate?"

"No. I've had hookups with women but now I want you. Are you a virgin?"

He blushed at my sentence, "What if I am?" "I don't care." We then sat in silence for a bit. He took some meds next to me, "What are those for?" "They're antidepressants and anxiety meds."

"I have to tell you something before we do any of that stuff.." He admitted, I turned my head towards him. "I'm not uhm a cis guy.."


"Just 'okay'? You don't care?"


There was more utter silence, I put my hand on his thigh and moved up. He tensed, "You ready?" He nodded at me. I picked him up, "Which door is your room?" He pointed to a door, once we were in the room I gently laid him on the bed. I kissed him, biting his lip for an entrance, he moaned and I slid my tongue in his mouth.

He wrapped his arms around my neck as I grabbed his waist. I pulled away and kissed his neck, biting or sucking on it at times. He ran his fingers through my hair as I did so, moaning whenever I would bite. "Your moans" kiss, "are so cute." He whined in response, in denial I suppose.

"Do you have lube pretty boy?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair. "I-in the nightstand." He stuttered, perhaps he knew I was serious. I grabbed the lube, "Mind if I strip you?" "I'll do it myself." He took off his shirt, revealing that he got top surgery, and then he took off his pants.

He then crawled over to me, helping me take my shirt off. "You're so cute you know that?"

"Yeah, you've said it about 5 times now."

I pinned him to the bed, "Keep talking and I won't go easy on you." He laughed nervously, I lubed him and myself up. "Are you ready?" He nodded at me, "I'm a bit nervous."

"It'll hurt at first, but then it will feel good. It's just gonna feel like a lot of pressure in the beginning."

He took some breaths, "I'm ready."

I aligned myself and pushed myself inside of him, causing a gasp to come out of Sal. I held his hands as he adjusted. He nodded at me, I thrust repeatedly, and I listened to him as his whines transferred into moans. I tucked my head into his neck, "Travis- Mmh" He started to claw at my back. I fastened my pace causing Sal to start screaming, he covered his mouth in response.

I pulled away and grabbed his hair, "I didn't tell you to do that did I?" Sal moaned and shook his head, "I'm sorry" I let go of his hair, smirking, didn't know he was a masochist. "You some kind of masochist?"

"I don't know. It's not like you're not a sadist."

I chuckled and switched our position, I picked him up so he was sitting in my lap. He put his hands on my shoulders, I started thrusting as he started to ride me. "Oh god-" He said, throwing his head back in ecstasy, it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

He grabbed my face and kissed me roughly. We eventually reached our climax, making both of us fall back on the bed.

"Does that type of sex-" pant "happen with every hookup you have?" Sal asked as he laid his head on my chest, "No, just you." Sal sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hey, I'm not leaving you? Why are you getting up?"

"Travis I need to put pants on."

He got up and did exactly that. He threw me my boxers and got right back in bed, cuddling with me. "Can I- can I kiss your neck? I want to give you a hickey." He caressed my chest, "Sure, I gave you plenty, guess it's your turn." He dove into my neck, kissing and sucking on it. "Suck harder." He did as he was told, "Yeah like that." 



"Am I handsome/pretty?" 

I looked over at him, "Absolutely." "How? I have a face full of scars." "No, it's a face full of stories." He hugged me. "I want this to be more." He avoided eye contact, "Me too." I agree, there are so many things I could do with him, I love him. "How about we have a coffee date on Saturday? If you like coffee of course." Sal downward-smiled at my sentence, flustered, god he just doesn't see what I see. 

"And then, I can start walking you to your classes~." I hummed, he giggled at me. "What are you going to college for anyway?"




"Criminal justice, trying to become a lawyer- Why are you looking at me like that?" Sal had been looking at me with doe eyes, I couldn't tell what he thought but I wanted to know. "I'm sorry, it's just- you're really handsome."


I pulled him gently so he laid on my chest, I soothed him, I could tell he was still a bit stimulated from the sex. He slowly closed his eyes, "Goodnight, my love."

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