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I would like to clarify some crucial points;

1. This story is purely a work of fiction and fantasy and while some places and venues mentioned might be found in real existence, I do not suggest phenomenons mentioned, having anything with the mechanism of real life.

2.I don't own BTS or any copyright related to them, I'm only using their names as the characters portrayed in my story.

3. I by any means, do not own any photos or videos that might be used in the story.

4. The plot, the storyline, and the characters are by all means owned by me. And by any chance if the names of the characters coincide with a real life personnel that would be termed a coincidence. I do not portray the real nature of any person in real life whose name coincides with a character in the story.

Now, with all the first hand crap being said, you can either keep reading or leave here.

If you chose to stay:
Let's dive in the details first I guess,
my name is not a important point here as I'd like to say, however whenever writing anyting, would that be poems or books, I go by the name of esoteric.

This story is one of my first creations, and I by any chanc do ot claim that I have any kind of writing experience beforehand, however I do write, whether that would be books or poems, but only for self satisfaction and this is the first time my self-concious ass is having any kind of guts to come out with my writing.

And while I cannot promise a real crisp story with no faults whatsoever, and an intresing af plotline, I can pretty much assure you that you won't have crap written too as I'm a self concious ass and it's been a long time since I'm reading, so I definitely know the good stuff.

This story is a Vampire AU as you might know, and the story has a concept of vampires written by me, if any similarities are found with any story they would purely be coincidences and nothing else.

Now I would like to say, I have wrote this story for some particular purposes too.
For sometime now, in my personal life, I have been facing a quite lot of ups and downs. Being an ambivert, I do have a lot of people that I have in my circle, but I don't think I can confide in them with my issues; while it's not becuz I don't trust them or so, it's just purely my want to not share and burden someone with my problems.

In that particular phase of my ongoing backbiting life, the only escape I found is fiction, yes, fiction and fantasy have been my only escape. I find enormous comfort in a world, which I know isn't real by any means.
It's been a place where I felt safe, safe enough for surviving. It just feels like home to me.

I have my parents obviously, but I do not have a bond with my parents so close so that I could confide in them by any means. I have friends, I have people who do care for me, but this phase is nothing that I could explain of. It feels like I'm basically empty.

Now, while I can't do anything about my state since I dont think I will find any door out any time soon out of this partake ruckus, I am ceating this book as my outing.

And since I know no one is going to read this piece of crap, I feel free to write anything here.

The female lead in this story, I am trying to portray myself somehow indirectly in her character along with the how I actually desire to be.

With that being said, I myself welcome you to read;


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