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Hey everyone!
I really appreciate you giving time to my book, and reading and voting for it.

#225 in btsxreader out of 7.4K stories is something that will take time to seep in my head.

Now since, we would be slipping into more of the plot part of the story, I'd like to explain the world to you basically. I understand I took very long to do it and I apologize if it made thing's confusing. the following text would be narrated by the MC Soojin.

''In our world, vampires and human co-exist with each other. As an matter of fact, neither of them like each other really much. But it isn't like humans can do anything too. Vampires are basically immortal until they themselves choose to die. They can only be killed if stabbed at a particular spot which the vampire knows themselves.

The hate for half-bloods in the world is brutal for obvious reasons too. Vampires hate us because we're considered a mixture of magic blood with dirty blood as they call it. And humans hate us purely because we are a vampire.

It's basically open invite to death if you're an halfblood. The population's hate is beginning to become brutal with the number of half-bloods increasing due to the number of vampires starting to get a human mate.

The only reason they are spared if they are a vampire's mate because vampire metabolisms go crazy if their mate's die. Vampire mates have a consensual bond with each other that connects their souls together. If one of them dies, it feels as if their souls get ripped in half. A vampire cannot sustain more than 3 years if their mate dies. But most time they skip those 3 years too because the pain becomes too much.

A full-blood vampire is born with basic powers and fangs. Power's like super speed and fast healing. Half-bloods get these when they turn 18 too. Every vampire gets their powers through a crystal that is destined to them. It is said to be a natural source of power that is provided to us the day we turn 18.

The crystals are provided by the headquarters that are said to be run by the first generation of vampires. There is a legend about the existence of vampires that is more of a family inheritance thing. And since me and Tae are orphans we both don't know what it is. Those who do know, are strictly forbidden from telling this to others who don't.

The crystals give us small powers like telekinesis or weather control etc. The first generations of vampires were said to be very powerful and having very rare powers. And simply put, just as how generation by generations vampires the magic blood started mixing with non-magic blood, the powers started receding in both quality and quantity.''

I hope all this will make you understand the story much better, and I will try to come with the next update soon!

Thank you so much for the 117 reads too.

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