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While a heart-breaking incident was occurring at the Loud House, another family was busy relaxing, or at the very least, doing their evening duties, at the Santiago residence, the father of the family was busy doing some work on his desktop while the mother was fixing up dinner, their two children sat on the couch, eyes glued to the TV, for the last half hour, they had been bickering over what show they could watch, Bobby wanted to watch some cheesy romance movie or Dream Boat, but his sister wouldn't have none of that, in response, Ronnie Anne wanted to watch an R-rated movie that was playing on a different channel, but Bobby knew she was too young to even think about seeing something like that, after the constant channel-switching, they ended up watching a show about police officers pursuing criminals, Bobby looked on with great interest as a few cars were chasing after a sedan through several neighborhoods 

Bobby: Come on, get him 

Ronnie Anne looked indifferent to it, but in the end she held a smirk at how the cops were going in a round-about way of trying to corner the druggie in the car, a minute later, one of the cop cruisers finally manages to intercept the sedan, bringing this chase to an end 

Ronnie Anne: About time, they could've grabbed him 4 minutes ago 

Bobby: Honestly, and it was just a routine traffic stop, if he kept calm, the police wouldn't have known anything, but there he goes, driving away like he's been had 

Ronnie Anne: Riiiight, I'm gonna go get a drink 

The Hispanic girl got up, seeing that only commercials were playing, she won't admit it, but it was nice having these moments with Bobby, at least when he wasn't buried in his phone, the girl turned and saw her brother texting on his phone again 

Ronnie Anne: Not even 20 seconds and he's back on that thing 

Walking into the kitchen, the tomboy saw her mother working on tonight's meal, from the smell of it, she was cooking up tamales, grabbing the bottle of a sports drink out the fridge, Ronalda started quenching her thirst as she walked back to the living room, taking a moment to look out the window, she saw it was already dark out, the moon giving it's bright glow in the skies, time sure flies when its on Daylight Savings, before she could go sit on the couch again, something stood out to her in the darkness, someone was sitting in the light of a lamp post close by, Ronnie Anne shrugged, thinking it was a random stranger, but once she caught sight of the white hair, only one person came to mind 

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln 

She squinted her eyes, sure enough, her suspicions were right, the Loud boy was sitting out there by himself, this triggered several alarm signals in her head, something wasn't right, why would Lincoln be out so late when he should be at home, wouldn't his parents and sisters be worried sick, his posture was slumped, he was shaking visibly, his white hair was disheveled, it almost looked like he was, Bobby looked up from his phone to see his sister staring out the window 

Bobby: You comin' Ronnie Anne, it's starting again 

She didn't move 

Bobby: Whatcha starin' at 

Instead of responding, the girl went to the front door and stepped outside, drawing even more confusion from her brother, Roberto got up and walked to the window, spotting his sister walking across the street, he also saw the boy he considered a brother 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora