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Lynn Jr. to herself angerly: Well, that's another 20 minutes of my life I won't get back 

Her cleats making small scrapes on the ground as she dragged them on the concrete 

Ronnie Anne: I didn't say whether we'd be able to catch him, that dunce must've bounced before school let out 

She had a look of indifference on her face, a little smirk was working its way up her lips 

Ronnie Anne: But, there's still tomorrow 

Lynn Jr. growled: Ronnie, I don't care much about tomorrow, I want to find him now, the longer he's in hiding, the more time he has to pull another stunt on Lincoln 

Ronnie Anne: I know that, but it's not like we can keep checking around the school for hours 

She shifted her bag a little 

Ronnie Anne: Besides, some of us actually have to get home before their mom starts buzzing their phone like crazy, we already missed the bus, and I gotta walk like, I don't know, 20 minutes to my place 

Lynn Jr.: Yeah, yeah 

The 13 year old deadpanned, her gaze focused on the bare street ahead 

The two tomboys walked in silence, momentarily stopping at an intersection, waiting for the traffic light to change, Lynn stole a glance at the younger girl, who was idly looking around, an air of awkwardness began to form around the jock as she thought about the little talk they had yesterday, it came up before, but the thought was pushed back at the opportunity to seek out Chandler and make him pay for his little tricks, but that look on Ronnie Anne's face as well as insulting her feelings for Lincoln always kept knocking on the door as a reminder of potential tension between the two girls, it was quite funny though, as the teen came to realize, they had more in common than she would've guessed, Ronalda attempting to avoid breaking down in front of everyone was something Lynn had done for the first few days after Lincoln's disappearance, at least the Hispanic girl had the benefit of letting it all out, as Lynn assumed, as soon as she left the field, Lynn bottled up her depression, thinking she didn't deserve to shed a tear of sorrow due to what she did, Pop-Pop finally brought that out of her, and Lynn felt slightly better at having that dam break, and even today, the jock could see the fire behind Ronalda's eyes as she was focused on finding the little weasel who gave her and Lincoln a difficult time, Lynn would even go as far to guess that it also had something to do with nearly souring hers and Lincoln's relationship 

Lynn Jr. to herself: She's got it way easier than I do, at least she doesn't have to feel like being an asshole for completely screwing over her bro 

One thought jumped onto a train as she continued thinking about the interactions between Ronnie Anne and Lincoln, during the times she had avoided them, Lynn would occasionally watch the two from afar, noticing that they seemed a bit closer than usual, at one point, the Loud could've swore that she once caught them leaning against one another on the swings from inside the gym, a small smile formed on Lynn's face 

Lynn Jr.: So, you and Lincoln huh 

Ronnie Anne whipped her head around at the sudden notion 

Ronnie Anne: What about it 

Lynn Jr.: Have you two made it to first base yet 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now