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Mondays, the one day of the week everyone loves to hate and dread, the one day that signaled the start of a potentially long and stressful work week, and in the case of school, boring classes in the span of 8 hours for the next 5 days until it was all over on Friday, but for a small group of kids, Monday was going to be anything but boring, after having a short kissing session the pervious night, Lincoln and Ronalda wound up snuggling in each other's embrace as slept overcame them, Sunlight started to pierce through the blinds of the Hispanic girl's room, shining right into Lincoln's eyes, he grumbled a little as his brain started the process of waking up the rest of his body, taking one of his hands, he wiped the dead skin away from his eyes before shielding them a little from the little sunlight that crept through the window, shifting a bit, he noticed he couldn't move his right arm as freely, and a single glance to his right was all it took to remind him of last night, Ronalda's face was emotionless she continued to sleep soundly, him attempting to move his arm didn't seem to jar her from her slumber, as the only thing she did was roll onto her left side, the way she seemed so at peace and how her hair laid delicately on her shoulders made the boy's heart flutter, however, alarms were starting to ring in his head as he looked at the clock, it already past 7, and both of them should've been up by now, as such, there was a high chance that someone was going to question where he was, and tell Ronalda to wake up, but, the main problem that was preventing him from trying to sneak out of the room, was that he wanted to be next to his girlfriend when she awoke, and yet, the universe had its ways of keeping that dream from happening, a knock on the door drew Lincoln's attention, as well as bringing the tomboy from unconsciousness 

Maria: Ronalda, you better be awake in there, it's almost time for school 

Ronalda rubbed the sleep from her eyes before grasping the fact that Lincoln was still in her room, to make it worse, the knob was turning 

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne thinking: Oh crap oh crap, oh CRAP 

Before Maria could fully see into her daughter's room, Ronnie Anne grabbed Lincoln and flung him to the side of the bed facing the wall, making a loud thump in the process, Maria poked her head in 

Maria: What was that 

Ronnie Anne nervously smiled: Uh, I accidentally dropped one of my shoes 

She picked up one of her black sandals 

Maria: Well, at least you're awake, have you seen Lincoln 

Ronnie Anne: Oh, he's in the, bathroom, yeah, the bathroom 

Maria: You sure, I didn't hear any running water in there 

Ronnie Anne: Yeah he's there 

She hoped her mother would buy into the fib, Maria gauged her daughter's face intensely, wondering if she was hiding something, after a few tense moments, she shrugged 

Maria: Ok 

Ronalda gave a low sigh 

Ronnie Anne: But I'm going to check on him 

The 11 year old's eyes became the size of dinner plates 

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne whispering: Dang it 

Lincoln looked up at the ceiling, noticing a vent grate, he could still fit in the vents of his, technically, old home with little difficulty, but then again, the vents at the Loud house were abnormally large, the Santiago vents on the other hand, looked smaller and slimmer, he could still fit, but it'd be uncomfortable 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now