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Whatever peace there was at the Loud House was quickly shattered by Lori's distinct yelling, and she only ever put the L in Loud when she was indignantly furious about something, her yelling not only spooked the girls, but it also caused them to make a few mishaps to their projects, Leni ended up making a long jagged line on the side of the bed frame she was making, a loud explosion was heard from Lisa's room, Lucy ended up getting an unnecessary amount of ink on a page she was writing on, and Luna was restringing her guitar when Lori yelled out, causing the tender lines to break, Luan was practicing a routine involving water for the video the two were making, which she soon found herself gagging for air due to the sudden interruption, perhaps the only person not too affected was Lynn, who only gave a startled yelp, in a mix of mild irritation and surprise, the rest of the sisters stampeded to Lori and Leni's room to see what had the misfortune of pissing off their eldest sibling, upon opening the door, the girls saw the twins rubbing their sore ears while Lori herself was pacing around the room with the meanest look she could muster 

Lori angerly: I literally cannot believe this, he told me he didn't know where he was, AND HE LIED TO MY FACE 

Luna: Geez sis, what's the damage 

Lori angerly: The 'damage' is that Bobby lied to me about where Lincoln is 

This was certainly news to the others, minus Lisa and Lily, who exchanged a worried glance 

Luan on edge: What do you mean he lied about where he was 

The eldest pointed at the twins 

Lori angerly: Ask these two, I'm gonna call Bobby right now 

Lori spoke through gritted teeth as she started to dial her boyfriend's number,

The others looked to the twins and started bombarding them with questions, not that they'd be able to answer with 4 mouths talking at once. Lisa however, was more focused on her eldest sister. She had two options here: let Lori call Roberto, thus letting the Santiago's know they are aware of Lincoln's whereabouts, which may potentially anger the 11 year old, or do something that could potentially earn her a bruise to the cranium: get between Lori and her phone, either way, no one was going to be happy with the results, hearing the dial tone ringing on Lori's phone, Lisa deduced she had approximately 1.44 seconds before Roberto would answer, and seeing Lily's panicked face staring back at her, the child prodigy knew what she had to do, jumping onto one of the beds, the 4 year old grabbed a pillow and threw it at Lori, the soft object hit her in right in the face, stunning the teen and causing her to drop her phone, unfortunately for the hand-held device, it landed on its top corner, causing the screen to crack and the device to shut off prematurely. Lori looked at her prized possession in complete horror as she let out a shrilled gasp, the others finally taking notice, the eldest then turned to give a livid gaze at the one responsible for this act 

Lori: Lisa 

Lori stomped towards her 

Lisa: Lori, I-I know you're angry about me damaging your handheld device, b-but--- 

She backed up a bit on the bed nervously, she was quickly hoisted up by her collar as Lori held her death glare 

Lori: And what had to be so important that you needed to break my phone 

Lisa nervously: I, well, you see--- 

Lori: If it was for another one of your dumb experiments, I'm gonna--- 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now