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Lincoln hissed: Oh great, it's little Ms. 'Can't-handle-a-little-teasing' 

The emo cringed when he called her that 

Lucy: I, I didn't expect you to be at school of all places 

Lincoln angerly: I might be gone from home, but even I know I still have to go to school, and better question is, what are you doing here, I thought you'd be curled up in a vent somewhere writing your stupid poems 

After hearing Lincoln's triad last night, Lucy shouldn't be surprised by his harsh tone, yet, it still stung her heart that the calm, caring, and compassionate brother she used to know had been replaced by someone who probably couldn't give a shit about what she thought 

Lucy: T-The library is also a n-nice, quiet place to write 

Lincoln angerly: Sure it is 

Lincoln turned away from her, closing the Internet browser and beginning to log off the computer, Lucy simply stood there, conflicted, part of her was happy to find Lincoln looking in better shape than when he ran off the previous night, she even noticed his hand was wrapped in medical bandages, yet, she couldn't shake the ever increasing amount of guilt that was welling up inside her, usually, she's the superstitious one in the family and would know right off the bat whether or not her own brother was bad luck, yet, like all 8 year old's, Lucy was still gullible, and she fell into the same train of thought her family did, and Lynn herself proved to be an even bigger believer of luck than Lucy was, but the emo had to do something, while it was clear Lincoln had gotten help from an unknown source, everyone wished for his return, if Lucy could convince him to come back home, the family could try to work things out, but given the boy's attitude, this wouldn't be easy 

Lucy: Lincoln, I know you're still upset about what we did, but please, we miss you and everyone in our family deeply regrets what we did to you, we spent hours searching all over town and came up short, Lori even asked her boyfriend where you were and he didn't say anything 

Lincoln thinking: No surprise there 

Lucy silently walked up to him 

Lucy: It's likely too late to say it but, I'm sorry for not believing your truth about not having any sort of luck and using you, if anything, I really should've told some sense into Lynn about what luck really is 

The Ace Savvy fan didn't say anything to her, Lucy looked at the floor in defeat before turning to leave 

Lincoln angerly: Yeah, you should have 

The emo stopped in her tracks and turned back to face him 

Lincoln angerly: Lucy, you may say that you're sorry, but your apology falls short compared to what you all did to me, after I proved I wasn't bad luck, you guys apologized, but what did you make me do afterwards 

Lincoln voice was laced with venom on that last sentence, Lucy didn't want to answer that, as both knew what happened, he wheeled the chair around to face her 

Lincoln angerly: I'm pretty sure you remember that time I took the fall for you when you clogged the toilet with that stupid book of yours, I did it because I felt bad for you after everyone was mocking Princess Pony and didn't want you to suffer that embarrassment, it took three, freaking, weeks before my supposed 'sisters' finally shut up about it, but at the time I always thought 'better me than you' because that's what big brothers do for their little sisters 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now