19 - 'Panicked Haze'

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"First to tap out wins?" Soap asks as you three walks into the surprisingly empty training room. It wasn't the main training room on HQ, but it usually had a few soldiers scattered about. "5 counts" You offered, and he nodded.

"You'll do that Ghost?" Soap asks. Ghost replies with an annoyed grunt but you can both tell it's a fine.

You and Soap both rubbed chalk on your palms before heading over to the thin mats as a substitute for a boxing ring. Depending on how you landed the mats did no favors, you weren't worried. Size was definitely your biggest competition, but you'd find a way around.

Ghost stood with his arms folded as you and Soap got into stance. Typically, in fights you tried not to make the first move. Allowing yourself to fully concentrate, knowing that someone would have to throw first put you at ease, during fights it was unpredictable when a move would be made.

You took time to analyze their form of combat, how they kept their arms, how they positioned themselves or how quick they moved. Able to dodge the blow too because of your body already waiting for the hit. In some cases, you moved first, knowing not everyone had the same tactic as you.

Soap looked stern, his face still and his focused tuned. You used the first move to your advantage, as they retracted the missed hit you went forth with one catching most by surprise. Soap threw first of course, dodged by a simple duck. However, his other fist came into play with an underarm swing.

You caught it, barely in time. Stepping back to dodge, the forced wind felt along your skin. You didn't waste any more time at getting a hit in. You bent your leg while raising it, twisting your weight to your back foot and turning to the side as you preformed a turning kick. Connecting with his forearm as he blocked.

You predicted this and jumped slightly, shifting weight to your other leg as it landed on the ground to support you while you did the same kick with the opposite leg swiftly, too fast for him to block as you got a hit, and he stumbled back with an impressed raised brow.

Kicking kept distance between you and the opponent so it was usually your first move, trying to still gather intel on their tactic as much as you could. He landed a hit to your stomach after a while and you stumbled back, he came down with a front kick that you took, having no balance to keep you up at the moment.

You grabbed his arm strategically, a grip just above his wrist on the back of his forearm and the other on the underside of his upper arm giving you the benefit of the doubt. You took him down with you, shifting your fall to your advantage, keeping a clasp on him as he fell forwards.

You raised your uninjured leg, bending at the knee and locking your muscle for sturdiness as the sole of your boot connected with his lower stomach. Not exactly where you had hoped but better than nothing. You unlocked your knee, sending the stretch back as you pushed up, straightening your leg.

Keeping your hold on his arm you directed his downfall over your head while your kick eased the rest of his weight, helping build the momentum to fling him over and onto his back. You ducked your head, sitting up slightly as you did this, you'd kicked to low.

Leaving his upper body to flip rather than pass if you'd stayed lying down his head or shoulders would've landed on you. You let his arm go not wanting to pull a muscle from the strain of holding behind you. You heard the thump of his land and the soft almost unheard grunt.

Your chance to stand up and get the higher ground over him. You weren't expecting his grasp under your arms so soon. He pulled you with great force, almost snatching you from where you sat. He was still lying down from your move but had reached behind his head at you before you could move, smart move.

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