56 - My girl

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"She's speaking clearly, you're just slow keeping up" Ghost grunts, tapping the paper that Jasper writes on aggressively. 

"Fuck sake, you're just adding to it" Jasper scowls back, moving the paper away from Ghost. "If you stopped 'chit chatting' with me maybe I'd be able to keep up" he added. 

You repeated your sentence that Jasper missed writing down, glancing at Ghost who gave you a disapproving look. "What the fuck does that say?" Ghost says, jabbing another finger at the paper. 

Jasper sighed, picking up the paper and parting his lips to recite the word before pausing. His eyes flicked to Ghost for a second before clearing his throat. "How can you not read?" he grunts. 

"How can you not write" Ghost snaps back and Jaspers immediately on defense. You rub your temples and let out a slow exhale, the arguing starting for the seventh time in the past hour. 

You fold your arms, leaning against the windowsill while you watched them bicker on about each other's academic abilities. You'd tried to just do the work yourself, but Jasper refused to let you after agreeing to help. 

"Bloody' ell, give me the damn pen" Ghost says with a harsh tone as he snatches the pen from Jasper who in retaliation turns to you with a look for help. 

"Ghost it's not nice to snatch things" you say with a smile, speaking to him how you would a toddler. He looks up at you, giving you a glare before shaking his head.

"I said please" he mutters. 

Jasper scoffs, "Lia-" 

"-Shut the fuck up" Ghost says, cutting him off sharply as Jasper presses him lips together and frowns. 

You hide a smile, standing up straight to see what they were fighting over. Just an average mission report sheet, Jasper turns towards you on your chair with another pen in his hand. "Your birthday's coming up" he says. 

Your eyes widen slightly, and you put a finger to your lips. "Birthday?" Ghost says, glancing up at you. 

"No, he said d-day..?" you say slowly. "Like uh, death day-" you add as Jaspers eyes flick between you and Ghost. 

"Right." Ghost says unconvinced. "So, when is your birthday?" he asks, turning the paper over as he works away. 

"...No clue, when that would .. be" you say with a slow shrug. "I never celebrated so ... it's slipped my mind" you say. 

Jasper clears his throat, standing up. "I've got to go meet up with Laswell" he says heading towards the door while double checking his watch. 

"No problem, thanks for the help" you say with a firm nod. 

"He didn't do shit" Ghost mutters, his eyes on the paper.

"Because you were pestering me" Jasper says back, folding his arms. Ghost stands up straight and you shake your head. 

"Go Jasper or you'll be late" you say ushering him out the door before closing it with a huff. "What's with you and needing to argue with him?" you say.

"I'm hardly arguing rook, I was trying to help him" he defends.

"Okay so at the point where you told him he had a stupid haircut that was help?"

"I didn't say it was work-related help" he murmur's, looking down at the file. You walk over, picking up some pages that had been completed. 

"You don't need to do the work Ghost" you grin, "It's fine." 

"Good, because I'd rather be kissing you" he says, dropping the pen. Your eyebrows furrow at his forwardness even though your stomach twists. Your about to reply with a simple 'huh?' but you barely get your lips open. 

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