71 - Uneasy

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You smiled at Ghost across the table from you, his pen flipping around his fingers in a smooth motion, dancing along between as he leaned back in his chair on a slight turn from the table towards the front where Price stood. 

He narrowed his eyes at your smile, flicking his eyes towards the front and back at you in a silent gesture to listen to the mission. Your smile turned sheepish, and you angled your chair towards Laswell and Price, squishy toy in hand. 

With all the collected information on the enemy base taskforce141 was being sent out on its first big mission, compared to the other small ones here you would go collect intel to get more information. 

Other than the usual worry about missions the week had been going by quickly, finally being able to make a big move against the enemies. The files you had taken from the smaller base still hadn't all been looked at. 

Either getting distracted or just being busy in general, workloads had been lighter this week and everyone had managed to catch up on sleep during the less hectic time. There was a clear difference within the team, things had returned back to normal, somewhat. 

The air wasn't so dense or heavy and no one was rushing about and abusing the coffee machine. Considering the type of mission being issued, it was put to taskforce to complete with Price leading, Ghost second in command as protocol.

You bounced your knee, squeezing the squishy toy slowly while trying to target one of the smaller things inside its elastic material. You leaned back against your chair, so slack that you could basically consider it lying down. 

Gaz turned towards you slightly, glancing at Price before turning his full attention on to you with a smile, his eyes flicking down to your hand. You held out the ball and he poked it, shaking his hand afterwards.

Keegan came into view beside you, looking across at you before looking back at the front. You kept your eyes on Price, acting as if you're paying attention before holding the ball out to the side. 

You see Keegan blindly grab for it, staring ahead with the same tactic as you to avoid trouble. He rolls his chair closer, taking it and tossing it between his hands. Price shifted his stance, his hands folded around the straps of his vest like always. 

He was clear about the intentions of the mission, a raid for more intel, kill on sight before destroying the place. It was a main location base, the enemy team seemed to have multiple facilities around and it was unknown how many there were. 

This was the biggest by far, secret operations and undercover organizations working over there. The only issue was, with every mission small or not the objective behind the enemy's teams motives weren't known.

You drummed your hand against your bouncing knee to the beat of the song stuck in your head, repeating the first 3 lines of the chorus because that's all you'd managed to remember. You sat up after a moment, easing your back from the awkward position before glancing at Keegan. 

His head was down, inspecting the toy and the objects inside that would bulge out upon squish. You ran your hands down over your vest, feeling the pockets and creases, searching for something else to entertain yourself with. 

You had been having an uneasy sort of anxiety in your stomach lately, something that was new to you. You couldn't pinpoint to its main reason, it was like the feeling you get when you were being watched, but you knew you weren't because it wasn't exactly like that.

Something dwelling in the depths of your stomach creating an itch you couldn't quite scratch. Your gut held a sense of dread for something you had no clue about, and although you tried to ignore it, the feeling was persistent. 

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