32 - 'Lively'

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"Ghost ... your drunk" You whisper to him, trying not to wince at his harsh hold on you.

"I know ... just" He started before stopping. "I just-"

You'd never seen him fumble over his words so much. His eyes darting back and forth between yours like he was searching for something.

You sat patiently giving him time to find his words. His grip softened and his eyes dropped for a moment.

His eyes showed something more, a glint of regret or a hidden fear underneath his dark irises. 

You lifted your hand to his that rested on your face before gently moving them off and crawling out from under the hiding spot.

"C'mon Ghost" you said as he followed behind you.

"Why ... what is it?" He asked.

"Nothing I just think you should sleep."

"I'm not tired rook" he said his voice slightly annoyed, but he follows you, nonetheless. 

"I know so maybe just sit down for a moment" You smile at him and pat your bed. He gives you a look but sits down either way.

"Not so bad now, is it?" You chuckle lightly. He doesn't answer and instead lies back with an arm raised over his eyes.

"I'll be right back" You whisper quietly stepping out of the room. You hear some noise downstairs and find Price in the kitchen with a plastic bag in his hands.

"Price?" You say greeting him at the counter. He looks up to see you and gives you a tired smile.

"Sorry, was just clearing up a bit of our mess" He says his voice thick with a forced formality, trying not to slur his words.

You looked around, "where's soap?"

"Ah, he's passed out of his bed" Price chuckles.

You take the bag from him slowly "Price go get some sleep" you offer giving him a nudge on the back.

"You sure you don't need any help rook?" He asks.

You shake your head and shoo him off to his room before continuing to clean the mess left about. Cans scattered about and rubbish wrappers here and there from snacks.

You go outside and put the firepit out before cleaning up around there to. You put the trash in the bin and head back upstairs to check on Ghost.

Pushing open the door you find him asleep. A soft grunt with each exhale and a deep inhale that moves his chest in steady rhythm.

You back out of the room slowly turning the lights off and shutting the door with a small click. You do a small lap of the house checking in on Soap and Price, making sure they both sleep on their sides.

You take a spot on the couch, lying down as you look out the window in front of you. The sky is still dark, and the night is quiet. Your eyelids grew heavy and before you knew it you were off asleep.


You woke up to nothing particular but immediately was greeted by a headache. You stood up, finding something to calm your head and taking a couple pills with some water.

The time was almost 9am and the house was silent. You resumed the rest of your cleaning, wiping down the counters and sweeping the floors before heading for a shower.

It was quick but well needed. You felt a lot cleaner and lighter afterwards. You checked your wound on your thigh while walking back to the main area. Pulling the kits from the cupboard.

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