25 - 'Oh'

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"Yeah..?" You whispered back.

"Me and the team can't sleep so we're gathering in the living room if you'd like to join."

You scooted off the chair. "Yeah" you said standing up and following him out.

They had a random movie on, and Soap sat eating popcorn while Price worked on his laptop. He looked up to greet you with a nod and smile.

"Ay'  glad you could join us Rookie" Soap said. You smiled back as you leaned over the back of the couch, taking a handful of popcorn. "What movie is this?" You asked.

"The conjuring" Soap said. You nodded, walking around and sitting down between Price and Soap on the large comfortable sofa in front of the TV.

"Turn the lights off will ya Ghost?" Soap said. Ghost grunted but complied as the lights shut off and he took a seat beside Price.


You were on the third conjuring, planning on watching the nun afterwards.

Price had excused himself to bed a while ago. You sat slightly slumped to the side as you hugged your knees to your chest, a soft throw blanket surrounding you.

Soap laid in a relaxed stance and Ghost sat up straight. The time being around 3am as your eyes grew heavy.

You were falling asleep, the comfortable presence of Ghost and Soap plus background noise of the movie made you feel safe.

You fought of the sleep best you could but lost the silent battle and fell asleep.


You awoke feeling the sun on your face, a soft blanket hugging you tightly. You stretched, eyes closed as you yawned. You rolled onto your side, eyes fluttering open as you inhaled.

"Morning Rookie" you jumped slightly. Looking up you realized you'd been asleep on Ghosts thigh.

"Morning" You groaned sitting up a little flushed. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the windows, seeing your hair disheveled.

You felt sleep in the corner of your eyes and your mouth felt dry. Ghost's eyes looked bloodshot.

"Have you slept?" You asked him. He shook his head no and you frowned. He didn't seem bothered by it.

"Where's price and soap?" You asked. He nodded towards the floor, and you spotted Soap asleep with a blanket. "Price is in the office" he said. You nodded slowly, getting up.

You brought Price a coffee, setting it down beside him with no promise it'd taste good. You flipped the chair around taking a seat as you leaned over the back of it facing the computers. "Any updates?" You asked. He took a sip of the coffee and shook his head.

"Currently still on surveillance" He reported, and you nodded.

"Don't be offended by this Rookie but me and the other two are going to head closer to the base in a moments time" You sat up. Oh. You nodded slowly. 

"I can't tag along?" You said slowly.

Price shook his head. "It's best you stay here" he said as he got up.

You stood up with him. Following him out to the others, Soap now up and dressed.

"We're going to be going through the forest and observe from the tree line" He explained. You felt a little left out but didn't mention it.

You were more than happy to be alone but not here.

Before you knew it, they were gone, you'd watched as they disappeared through the forest.

Ghosts Broken Maskحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن