Chapter 1

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kokichi's pov:

I wake up then sit up to examine my surroundings for a few seconds, then I got up, got ready and made my way downstairs. I left to go to school, I decided to walk on the road since it was early so no cars were around, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see shuichi.

"Hi ouma-kun...can I walk with you?" Shuichi said with an awkward smile, shuichi had no friends, well I was his only friend, people tell me he's creepy and I shouldn't be friends with him, sometimes I agree but I think they're treating him unfairly.

A lot of people warned me not to talk to him, but stupidly I didn't listen, Why? Because I pitied him, he's pathetic and a little creepy but I don't mind. "Sure." I said, I didn't really have much of a choice, I can't just scream no in his face and run away, not like I would because that's embarrassing but still.

Me and shuichi walked to school together, he talks to me about danganronpa like usual because he has no one else to talk about it to. Sometimes I regret ever talking to shuichi, he's kinda annoying.

(Ik kokichi is just slandering shuichi in this chapter but it gets better soon I promise 😭)

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