chapter 3

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Me and shuichi sat together, I was expecting him to rant about danganronpa but it was just awkward silence, that's unusual. He seemed to be sweaty and blushing, which is normal for him but this time it's different, he's acting shy and nervous.

Like as if we had just met or something, I was relieved but concerned, the awkward silence was uncomfortable.

I tao my pen on some paper as I wait for the lesson to end, everyone was silent, all you could hear is the clock quietly clicking.

I try to ignore the awkward silence and my work but just as I was writing a question my pen runs out of ink, I scoff then look over at shuichi. "Do you have a spare pen?" I whisper to him. Shuichi blushes and nods, that was unusual. Shuichi passes me the pen, I feel his cold hand brush against mine.

I look at him in the eyes, his eyes were beautiful, they glistened in the terrible lighting in the science lab. I quickly look away. "Thanks..." I muttered.

I carried on with my work, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with shuichi, even though it wasn't a big deal. I start to get sweaty and nervous.

Why am I acting like this?

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