chapter 10

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(I jst realised we're already on chapter 10 and kokichi and shuichi aren't even dating yet 😨)

When break was over, me and rantaro went to class together, we avoided the topic of what happened the other night and just talked how we normally talk. We got to class and sit in our assigned seats, we're in science so I'm sat next to shuichi, which I'm a little nervous about.

I sat down next to him and he immediately looked over at me, I could tell what he was going to say (that being danganronpa) because of the look on his face, however, he looks a little more excited about it than usual, so I was quite curious, maybe he bought more kirigiri merch? Maybe there's a new manga out?

"Guess what!.." shuichi was almost squealing with excitement. "What..?" "Danganronpa is making a third season! And...I've already signed up for it!" Shuichi squeals, this was not expected at all.

"That's awesome, it just going to be acting?" I was a little concerned since I know rantaro has been in a different killing game, where they weren't acting. "Hmm...I don't know, I kinda hope it's the real thing, that would be awesome!" Shuichi grins. "But...wouldn't that just be like...I don't know...suicide?" I looked concerned, shuichi shrugs. "I don't really care, as long as I get to be in danganronpa! So um...I was you...want to join? I think I'd gey pretty lonely's a once in a lifetime opportunity so..."

I think for a moment, then I remember his notebook and the 'au' he wrote down, I cringed even thinking about it, I panicked and just nodded, shuichi's face lights up and he hugs me. "Yayyy! I can't wait!" I hug him back, he smells funny.

After school ends, me and shuichi walk home together, talking about the new danganronpa game that was coming out and who we think out of our classmates would die first, which is a little weird but it was fun.

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