chapter 5

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After school I make my way to shuichi's house, my feet dragging on the floor, I knew all he'd talk about is danganronpa or we'd have to watch danganronpa, I can only imagine what shuichi's room would look like...shelfs filled with danganronpa action figures, his bed with some weird body pillow, danganronpa posters everywhere...Don't get me wrong, I like danganronpa but not as much as shuichi. I can imagine him being like those weird discord mods who collect action figures and do weird stuff with body pillows...Yuck.

I finally get to his house, my hand trembles as I go to knock on the door. I knock and the door immediately swung open, I was taken aback a bit bur quickly recovered when I saw shuichi standing there, his eyes piercing through my skin and his smile crooked.

"Oh- kokichi...come in!" He steps out the way so that I could walk in, his house was quite nice but I was most worried about his room. " you want to watch danganronpa with me in my room...?" Shuichi's voice was trembly (if that's even a word) "Sure." I was nervous as there was a lot of rumours spreading around about shuichi, even though they were stupid rumours that most definitely weren't true, shuichi us just a whimpy, nerdy teenager, he wouldn't do anything if he even tried, he just creeps me out.

Me and shuichi go upstairs to his room, he opens his bedroom door and allows me to go in first, I take the offer and walk in, it was exactly how I imagined. Danganronpa merch, danganronpa posters, shelfs filled with danganronpa figures, a kyoko kirigiri body pillow, it creeped me out. There was a laptop that sat on shuichi's bed, the bedding was danganronpa themed of course.

I didn't even notice my disgusted expression until shuichi brought it up. "Are you okay...? D-do you not like it..?" I could hear the sadness in his voice like he was a little heartbroken and I felt bad. "No, I love it." I fixed my face and smiled. Shuichi approached the bed and sat on it, patting the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit down, I sat down next to him and he picked the laptop up, shuffling closer to me, I felt uncomfortable but decided to ignore it.

Shuichi put on the anime of danganronpa, I could tell he had watched it at least a million times but he was still enjoying it everytime, I had watched it once and enjoyed it but I'm not the type to binge something so I was immediately bored. Shuichi shuffled closer to me, I was tired and wanted to go home and rest. So instead of watching it, I observed shuichi's room, I noticed a sketch book and was immediately curious, then I got an idea.

"Hey shu, I'm kinda hungry, do you have any snacks?" I saw shuichi's face light up when he heard the nickname I gave him. "Y-yeah! What would you like..?" "Anything, I don't mind." "A-alright..!" Shuichi paused the anime and got up to go downstairs and get snacks.

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