chapter 2

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Me and shuichi make it to school, we walk in and I wait for my other friends, trying to block out what shuichi was saying since I knew he was talking about spoilers for the new danganronpa season, I didn't want to hear it. Finally my friends arrive.

"Hey koki!" Rantaro waves. I walk up to my friends, ditching shuichi since none of my friends like him anyways. "Hey." I say, I was exhausted like usual. "Not to be mean or anything but I still don't understand why you talk to shuichi." Miu says out of nowhere, the others agree with miu.

"I feel bad for the dude, he has no friends." *I say while scratching my head. (Kokichi has nits/j 🤯) my friends look at me weird, like I was insane for ever feeling a little bit of sympathy for shuichi.

Kiibo breaks the awkward silence. "Anyways we have science first thing." We all groan, I sit next to ryoma in science, i don't mind him but his eyes look like they're staring into my soul, it creeps me out.

Anyways the bell rings and we make our way to science, year 7s sprint to their lessons and everyone tumbles up the stairs, I don't understand why everyone is in a rush in the mornings, your lesson isn't going to run away.

I get to science and sit down, now I am trying to sit back and enjoy my morning, when all of a sudden I hear this infuriating, disgusting voice. It was the teacher telling us we have a new seating plan, her saying that feels like nails on chalkboard. Disgusting.

I wait nervously as she announces who we're sitting next to, as soon as I hear who I'm sitting next to I feel slightly relief but also irritated. I was sat next to shuichi.

He walks over to the chair next to me and sits down, I was just happy he wasn't kaito or someone popular. Those type of people either treat you like a cute little homeless puppy or they want to rip your head off.

Shuichi smiles at me.

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