Chapter - 25

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Avni and Manya were thrown out of balance as the car shifted gear from going reverse to going forward without giving them a warning but as they steadied themselves Avni noticed the car was speeding down the winding road towards the main road. Manya was looking outside. Avni wondered what the girl was thinking. She looked upset. Who wouldn't be in such a situation? They had decided to call it a night and go home because Avni wasn't enjoying and Manya's mood had taken a different turn as well.

They had just come out when they had spotted the group outside. They had immediately straightened and where Avni had found her uneasiness about this not being over return, Manya had felt irritated. They had asked the bouncers to escort them to their taxi but they had refused. Manya had been indignant but they had told her they only took care of security inside and here at the door. Anything that happened in the parking lot was not their concern and that was when Manya had felt the first traces of fear. They had looked at each other. The group had jeered and hurled insults towards them. Avni had asked her to keep her temper in check and to ignore what they were saying because they were on their own here. Seeing no other option Manya had decided to call Karan. And while Avni had felt uncomfortable she hadn't said anything when Manya had told her Karan could handle anything better than Uday. All that was okay but she hadn't been sure how he would react considering she was here as well. He anyway hated her. He just might get it into his head that this was her idea. And after what had happened in the morning, she just wasn't sure. But they had had no choice. After giving him a call they had gone back inside to wait. Manya's mood had taken a whole new turn. Avni could see the transition from the confident girl to a frustrated one who couldn't comprehend why was the world filled with men who were such idiots. She had been angry too. And as they had waited Avni had tried to soothe her anxieties. Then Karan had come and Avni had breathed a sigh of relief it didn't matter if he was angry at her. She just wanted to be back home with Manya and be safe. Though after seeing the look on his face at what the guys had suggested she was positive he would murder someone whether it was those idiots or them she wasn't sure. Now of course as she saw the nerve tick in his jaw she knew it was going to be them after all he did let those boys go unharmed. She sighed and decided not to think about the oncoming problem of facing his anger. She was probably getting used to it. And she closed her eyes.

They reached the house in a matter of minutes. And Avni opened her eyes to become aware of the silence that stretched inside the car. Manya sat biting her lips and twiddling her thumbs while Karan looked outside. Then he turned around and Avni sucked in her breath. His eyes were ablaze with anger but his jaw was tight with the pressure he exerted to control it.

"What happened Manya?" he asked tightly.

Avni looked at Manya and then at Karan then opened her mouth to defend the girl when he raised his hand and stopped her.

"Your turn will come later," he said as he focused on his sister.

"I am sorry bhai," Manya said in a small voice.

"Look at me when you talk to me," he said harshly.

"Sorry," Manya said as she looked at her brother's angry face. She knew he was justified in what he was feeling. He was concerned and she had been in a kind of dangerous situation there. If anything she knew he loved her and she should have been more responsible than she had been today. "I should have behaved more rationally," she said quietly.

"You are damn right you should have," he said curtly, "what were you thinking? Don't you know the reputation that bloody club holds? And why didn't you tell me you wanted to go out I would have escorted you," he said, "I am not stopping you from having fun but then the need to slap wouldn't have risen had you done that. For that matter you could have taken Uday with you," he said shaking his head in anger.

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